Chapter 7

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Sophie's POV

Katy and Christina forced me out to lunch with them and Michael and Lucas and Christina's boyfriend Noah. We were going to some diner place that Michael liked. I would have much rather hung around school with the swim team but that have given it away to Katy and Christina.

Christina was talking to Noah and Katy was talking to Lucas. This left me having an awkward conversation with Michael. We haven't talked that much since I was injured because I haven't been to dance. I also know that he has a crush on me and Christina and/ or Katy is trying to set me up with him.

We mostly talked about dance until we reached the diner. I ordered my usual chicken wrap. I still had to talk to Michael and this conversation got very awkward very quickly.

"Sorry guys but I have some work I should be doing," I said standing up.

"Soph, please don't go," Katy begged.

"Sorry," I said and quickly hurried out before anyone convinced me to change my mind.

I was texting Will the whole way back to school. He was currently pretending to be interested in a conversation that the girls were having about which makeup brand looked the best. Apparently the other boys all had detention for disruption their class.

I found myself sitting down with them. I hadn't even realised that I was at school.

"Aren't you worried that your friends might notice?" Will whispered as the others continued their debate.

"They are at the diner. They are busy trying to set me up with this guy and it is so awkward," I said.

"Because there is someone else you like," he teased.

I froze for a moment. He smiled at me and hadn't seemed to notice that I had stopped breathing. Luckily the bell rang so for the second time that day I fled. I didn't have another class with Will that day but I did have last period with Henry.

"Rumour has it that you sat with the team at lunch," Henry said as I walked past me.

"I'm guessing Will told you. I only did it because you weren't there," I teased.

"That's hurt princess," he said before sitting down.

I went straight to the pool afterschool. I was the only one there so I was calmly swimming laps. Someone else jumped in. I was expecting Will as he is usually early but it was Em. We both stopped and sat on the side.

"I noticed that you joined us at lunch," she said.

"My friends were trying to set me up with this guy and it was awkward," I explained again.

"Because you like someone else," she said.

"That's exactly want Will said," I murmured.

"That's what I was going to talk to you about," she said.

"Uh oh."

"You and him both like each other. I mean you more about him that anyone else apart from Henry."

"I don't like him," I protested but failed given I was blushing.

"You totally do. He is here so I'm going to leave you to TALK to him."

Before I could say anything she dived into the pool. I pulled myself out and cursed Em under my breath. Will dumped his bag next to mine so I headed over. I grabbed my towel and sat down as he organised his stuff.

"When is the next meet?" I asked starting a conversation.

"A couple of weeks I think. States are a week or so after that. You can qualify for Nationals from that," he said.

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