Chapter 19

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Sophie's POV

I knew that Will was nervous about seeing Austin again today. I hadn't talked to him, Carter or Belle since the incident. I met him at Henry's house and we walked together. He had informed me about what had happened with his family and I understood.

Austin, Belle and Carter were already waiting for me when I got to school.

"I was texting you and you didn't reply," Belle said.

"That's because I was with my friends," I said.

"Um, excuse me but who are they?" she asked.

"My friends," I said and we walked past her.

"And Austin, maybe violence isn't the way to go," I sneered.

Em was the only one from the swim team in the usual spot. She looked at me and noticed that my hand was entwined with Will's.

"Finally," she said pretending to be exasperated.

"I know," Henry said mocking her.

Will and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. Em looked at us like we were crazy and that made us laugh even more. I noticed Katy and Christina walk past us and Katy looked at me for longer than usual.

Katy approached me later that day. I didn't really want to talk to her but I knew that she wasn't going to give up on this.

"Sophie, you have to talk to us," she begged.

"And why do I have to do this?" I asked honestly confused.

"Because we are your best friends," she explained plainly.

"Um, I don't think we are. You quite clearly told me that."

"I'm sorry, we were just jealous that you had other friends."

"Katy, I'm not forgiving you, or anyone else."

"Please, it's not the same without you."

"I'm done with you. I have new friends and a boyfriend that you don't like," I said and stormed off.

I ran into Will who was exactly who I wanted to talk to.

"I have an issue at the moment; can you meet me after school at the gate?" I asked and he nodded.

He was even at the gate before me.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked as I started walking.

"I'm going to kidnap you, kill you and hid your body somewhere," I laughed grabbing his hand.

He rolled his eyes but didn't ask again. I led him into the dance studio and told him to stay there. I changed into shorts, tank top and my pointe shoes. I had been here most nights recently and I was starting to get confident on pointe again.

He was sitting on one of the benches and I started to perform for him. He sat there in shock and I finished in front of him.

"That was amazing," he said.

"That's my issue," I said.

"I don't understand," he wondered.

"I have scholarships for dance and swimming and I don't know what to choose."

"What are you thinking?"

"Well, I have wanted to be a dancer for ages but I really like swimming and I just don't know what to do."

He grabbed me and pulled me into a really tight hug.

"You don't have to, just think about it," he said.

I didn't say anything; instead we just stood there with his arms still around me. This shirt was getting wet but he didn't seem to mind. He didn't make me choose but he did make me realise that I have time. I don't have to make this choice now.

Katy had spent the whole week trying to get me to forgive her and the others but I wasn't falling for it. Will and I had had a few discussions about what I should do for college. He had a swim scholarship already and it was one that I could go to as well.

Henry had joined in one of the discussions and he told me that I should go into swimming. I was clearly going to make that as a good career. I felt like I was leaning that way because I enjoyed the rush from competing and it was also a nice way to relax when you are just swimming.

I came home and Lucas, Christina and Katy were all sitting around clearly waiting for me.

"If you are all going to be begging for me to come back then just stop now. I'm not coming back," I snapped.

"Soph, it is clear that you want to join us again," Lucas said.

"No, I have an amazing boyfriend and the greatest friends. I don't need you," I laughed.

"You are going to regret this," Katy said.

"No, I don't think I will," I said and headed upstairs as I had two more things to sort out.

The first thing was easy. Carter, Austin and Belle where online and started a group chat.

"Guys, I don't think I can be friends with you anymore," I wrote.

"Why not?" Carter asked.

"I don't fit in with you and I have gone back to my old friends," I said.

"That makes sense," Belle said.

Both her and Carter left meaning only Austin and I were online.

"I thought that we had something," he said.

"Austin you almost kill Will, I can't forgive you for that. You knew how I felt," I said.

"I guess this is good bye then," he said and promptly left.

That was easier than I thought and the last thing that I had to do was decide on a college.


Almost finished, there is only an epilogue left. I hope you like the book.

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The Wise One

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