Patrick imagine : Love at first sight

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You were so excited about going to your first FOB concert. You and (best friends name)got there early and heard them rehearsing, so you guys went to where your places were. You were rocking out to your favorite song, when you noticed the lead singer looking at you while singing. After the show you get to take pictures with the band. Before you left he said "Hi I'm Patrick." "Hey I'm (y/n) nice to meet you." You noticed he was checking you out. (Your best friend) said that "He is totally into you." Also he politely asked you for you number. You hesitated but said yes and gave it to him.

The next day......

Patrick started to get a feeling for you and you felt the same way, but you felt so shy to tell him so you got his best friend Pete to ask him out for you. "Sure anything for my friend." He said.

Meanwhile the texts...

Patrick: Hey

You: Heyy ✌🏼️

You: Can we go to the café a few minutes from here?

But little did Patrick know that Pete helped plan this

At the café...

Patrick met you outside. You noticed that he was absolutely flawless. His fedora and glasses gave the kind-of dorky look, but you loved it. You especially loved his hypnotizing green eyes. He was expecting a full café with random strangers but there wasn't. "(y/n), what is going on here." He said, but all you could focus on is the perfect white smile. "Patrick, Pete planned this and I wanted to tell you something." I-I lov..." Patrick had kissed you and you kissed back. When you pulled away both of your faces were tomato red. "Patrick why did you interrupt me?" You asked. He responded "Because I love you (y/n)." Then out of nowhere Pete jumped out from behind the café counter and said "I knew this would work." You said to Pete sounding annoyed " What were you doing behind there. Please tell me you weren't eavesdropping on Patrick and me." "(Y/n) will you be my girlfriend?" You smiled and kissed him again as you said "Yes I'll be your girlfriend.

Hope you liked this. It's my first imagine and yea. So see ya later more parts coming soon......

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