Patrick Imagine: Love at first sight (rewritten)

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Excitement rushed through your veins. The thought of meeting your musical icons was exciting. You and your friends were pumped for the show. It was all you guys talked about for a month.

You and your friends walked up to the entrance of the venue. In the multitude of noises in the background, you heard the sound of the band rehearsing some songs. It was wonderful.

They started to let people go to their designated spots. You had from row seats. You were anxious, knowing that the band would walk out any moment. Screams of fans filled your ears as you saw shadows behind the curtain. One of which was holding a microphone, and had a guitar hanging off of them.

The intro to centuries started playing, and you got excited. A few seconds later, the curtain dropped, and the wonderful beings that you call Fall Out Boy, came into view. All of the members looked better in real life.

Patrick started to sing, and your heart melted at every break, and at every high and low note. He had a voice like an angel. Wait. More like a God. It was flawless. Perfect.

One day, it was your dream to meet the band, and today was the day you met the band. You were happy. Wait, happy was an understatement. You were excited. Thrilled. Nervous.

While singing along to your favorite songs, you and Patrick made eye contact a few times, and he smiled as he did so. Maybe he likes me. The thought quickly escaped your mind as you thought about how you were from a small town, and he was a lead singer for a popular band. That was a dream. A dream that was far, far away.

Songs were sung, voices were lost, and memories were made. After the show ended, it was time for the meet and greet. You and your friends were extremely nervous as you lined up to take a photo. It was a dream come true.

You waited a few minutes until you noticed that you were next. It was nerve racking. Things started to go blurry, until the only thing that was clear was the only color you saw. Black.

After about thirty minutes, you woke up, wondering where you were. It finally hit you that you were at the venue. You asked your friends if you have met the band yet. They replied with a 'You blacked out as we were in line.'

You looked down, your cheeks burning. Great, now I'll never meet the idols of my life. As time went by, you heard someone's voice. You looked up, greeted by none other that Patrick Stump himself. He had a smile that could light up anyone's day.

"Hi, you're awake." Patrick smiled. You sat there in a state of shock. Patrick Stump himself was standing right in front of you. You didn't know what to do. You felt like a freak. You just sat there and stared. You shook your head.

Finally, you came to reality. "Oh, um, hi." Your face flushed red, the burning sensation in your cheeks returned. You sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or what to say. Patrick turned to your friends, and walked closer to them.

He said something loud enough that your friends could hear, but quiet enough that you wouldn't. They all walked off, leaving you and Patrick alone. Patrick turned around, walking back towards you.

You looked down at the ground, and started to cry. You felt one tear fall, and that started it. Patrick stops, and kneels down in front of you. "Hey, um, sorry, what's your name?"

Patrick waited for you to respond. "(Y/n). That's my name." You you said the words through muffled cries. He looked at you, and smiled. Patrick pulled your face up with his hand, and looked at you.

"(Y/n), don't cry. I hate seeing people sad." You shot Patrick a half-smile. "M-My friends probably hate me, and you probably think I'm weird." Patrick looked at you, concerned about your emotional state right now.

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