Patrick Imagine: Rainy Day

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You were walking down the street, trying to make your way to work. The sky became  darker with every passing minute. Worry flooded over you. Would it rain? Would it clear up? The answer was unknown.

You pushed the thoughts away, continuing to walk down the sidewalk until you reach your destination. Eventually, after about ten or so minutes, you walked up to the place you worked at.

You walked through the front doors, and was greeted by the smell of coffee and the sight of books. In the corner of your eye, you saw your friend that came there everyday just to chat with you, and to look for cute people.

You waved, and got a wave in return along with a smile. You checked in, and made your way to the register, waiting for people who needed help or if they needed to check out.

You looked out the window. The sky was getting darker, and you could see people who were getting hit in the face with strong gusts of wind. You sighed, knowing that today wouldn't end well.

You watched as multiple people walked in at once, splitting off as they reached the inside. You decided to go get a cup of coffee, hoping your favorite cashier, Patrick, would be there.

Surprisingly, he was. Also, he also looked overwhelmed. The line was long, so you sat down, waiting for it to shorten. After about five minutes of waiting, you figured that it wouldn't get shorter any time soon.

You got up, and walked back to the register, checking out the people who were waiting. Again, you looked outside, it looked like the sky was going darker. You hoped that it wouldn't rain, but in the back of your mind, you knew it probably was going to.

You looked back over at Patrick, and gave him a half smile. Surprisingly, he returned the smile. Your heart melted. You were snapped out of your mind, when a loud noise startled you. You looked out the window, and saw a sea of people carrying umbrellas.

You mentally cursed yourself, knowing that you didn't bring an umbrella. You let out a sigh, watching as people started lining up in front of you. You checked them out, wishing them a good day, and watching them walk out the door.

You walked out from behind the register, and across the store to the little coffee shop, and got behind the person ordering. You walked up, and we're greeted by the smiling face of Patrick.

"Hey, (Y/N), what can I do for you." Patrick smiled after finishing. His smile gave you butterflies every time you saw him. "I'll have a hot chocolate." You ordered the most basic thing, but it was your favorite at this time of year.

"One hot chocolate coming up." Patrick turned around, and you walked over to the waiting area. You waited for a few minutes until you were greeted by the soft voice of Patrick calling your name, saying that your drink was ready.

You took the cup, and smiled at him, thanking him, and payed him. You walked over to the register, waiting for the next person who needed to check out or if they needed help.

After a few hours, it was nearing the end of your shift, and the rain hasn't slowed down any. You put on your jacket, and hoped that you wouldn't get too wet, but knew that you would end up getting soaked.

The rain hasn't slowed down, and your shift ended in five minutes. You hoped that something would end the rain. Before you left, you helped one person. After getting them situated, you looked at the clock, then outside.

Reluctantly, you opened the door, and stepped outside, feeling the rain hit your jacket. You pulled over the hood, and stuck your hands in the pocket. Although the walk to your apartment wasn't far, you still hated getting wet.

After a few minutes of walking, you sat down on a bench. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone sit down next to you. You looked over, and it was none other than Patrick. Even on a rainy day, Patrick still seemed to make your world light up with one smile.

"Hey Patrick." You surprised yourself with the ability to speak with Patrick sitting right next to you. "Hey (Y/n)." You loved hearing his voice, it was so soft. It was like an angels voice. You began to have a conversation with Patrick, and you sat there for about ten minutes before Patrick suggested he walk you home.

When you got to the door of your apartment, you thanked him. Patrick smiled, then placed a small kiss on your cheek. He slipped you a piece of paper containing his phone number. Patrick said goodbye, and you returned the words. After Patrick was out of sight, you closed the door, hoping that rainy days would be like this later on.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry it takes me so long to update, but I want these stories to be somewhat decent.
Well, thanks for reading,

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