Andy imagine: The party

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This was your first big party of the year. There was normal high school things like drugs and alcohol. Luckily you weren't in to those kind of things, but people were saying you had to luckily you resisted. A few moments later this guy named (random guy name) say that you guys can have fun upstairs, so he pulls you into a bedroom upstairs. You guys start to kiss but soon he reaches underneath your shirt to unhook your bra. All of a sudden you yell "STOP IT RIGHT NOW." He says that you need to stop being a wimp and just do it.

P.O.V Andy
I look around and try to find (Y/N), but I have no luck at all. All of a sudden I hear "Get off me you sick freak." Imeadiatly I knew (Y/N) was in trouble. So I ran upstairs and opened the door and pick (random guys name) by the collar and throw him out of the room. Then I lock the door and comfort (Y/N). When I'm done she says "Thanks for saving me tonight." As you lean in you feel her warm breath on your lips she leans in and closes the gap you imeadiatly kiss back and say "Your welcome (Y/N)."

A/N: sorry but this sucked I could have done better but I am so tired right now I don't really care so yea more updates coming soon
Thanks for reading.

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