Pete Imagine: Abuse

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A/N: okay, so, if you or a loved one is in an abusive relationship EVER, get them help. There are people who will help you. Don't stay silent. Trigger warning//Mentions of abuse and self harm

It was five o'clock in the evening. It was around the time for your boyfriend, Michael, to come home. You were scared. Hopefully he wouldn't be drunk, but you got your hopes up for nothing. Thirty minutes after five, Michael comes stumbling in the kitchen.
You mentally prepared yourself for what was about to happen.

You handed him his dinner, and he walked into the living room. It surprised you. He stayed silent for the majority of the night. Well, not totally silent. The only times when he spoke were to tell you how much of a failure you are, and to make you feel worse than you already do. It sucked.

All you ever wanted was to have a happy relationship with a guy who actually cares about you, but instead you got an asshole who abuses you, then tells you he loves you right after. You got up, and walked to the bathroom. You looked at your reflection in the mirror.

Worthless. Ugly. Waste of space. Those were the things that came to your mind. There were bruises on your arms, and some on your face. All you wanted was to be loved, but that was far away. The only person who cares fully about you is your best friend Pete.

He treated you with respect. He never hurt you. He was there for you when your parents passed away. All you wanted was for him to tell you things would get better. You knew that wouldn't happen soon.

Along with the bruises were scars. Not from Michael, they were your doing. You took away the pain with more pain. You wanted to quit. More so, quit life. It hurt knowing that you would wake up to slaps and punches. It hurt knowing that you couldn't fight back.

You walked out of the bathroom, and sat down on the couch. You got a text, and were scared. Michael didn't like it when you texted people, likewise, he didn't like it when they texted you.

He looked over at you with an expression that you've seen one too many times. Your eyes started to water after his hand came into contact with your face. It hurt like hell, but you didn't say anything.

You wanted to tell someone, but Michael said if anyone finds out, he'll kill you. That was a few months after the beatings started. Michael started throwing these painful words.

"You aren't worth my time. You are worthless. Why would someone ever love you." You began to cry at his words. Don't let his words get to me. It was too late. His words kept hitting you, breaking you down even more.

Tears started to fall faster after the second and third hit to the face, you couldn't take this anymore. You took a risk. A very, very dangerous risk.

"W-why don't you be a real man, and start treating me with some respect!" You choked out the words through tears. You instantly regretted your decision.

You were thrown off of the couch on to the floor, receiving kicks to the ribs, and the occasional kick to the face. You had blood dripping everywhere from your face. You struggled to stay awake, feeling the urge to black out.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that ever again. If you do, I won't stop next time!" You nodded at the words, and stood up, walking to the bathroom to clean yourself up.

You snuck your phone and your car keys with you. You were going to sneak out of the window in the bathroom. When you finally got to the bathroom, you went inside, and closed the door, locking it in the process.

You gently washed your face, removing the blood. Your face was starting to bruise, and your ribs hurt really bad. You opened the window, and climbed out. It hurt, but you knew that it is the best decision.

When you got to your car, you quickly started it up, and drove away. You drove to Pete's house. You haven't talked to Pete since you got together with Michael. He never let you talk to anyone.

Pete's house came into view, and you sped up a little. You pulled into his driveway, and got out, felling nervous. You knocked on the door, and waited for it to open.

After a few seconds, the door began to open, and his face came into view. His smile disappeared after he saw you. He pulled you into a hug, and you began to cry. Pete took you inside, and sat you down on the couch. He sat down next to you.

"(Y/n), what the hell happened to you?" You looked down at the floor. Pete turned you so that you were facing him. "H-he hit me." Pete looked at you. "Who hit you!?" You started to cry. "M-Michael did, he hit me." Pete looked mad.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard. How long has this been going on?" You looked at him. "One year, since we started seeing each other." Pete looked at you with a serious expression. "(Y/n), why didn't you tell anyone?" "Michael said that if I tell anyone, he'll kill me."

Pete got up, and grabbed his phone. "Hey, what's your address?" You gave him your address, and watched him go into the kitchen. You heard him, but the words weren't clear. He walked back out, and motioned for you to follow him.

You got in his car, and headed to your house, meeting the police as you got there. They just arrived as you arrived. An ambulance pulled up, and Pete walked you over to the back of it. The people in the ambulance checked your face.

As they were making sure that you were okay, you saw Michael, and held on tightly to Pete. Michael was fighting to get loose, and he did. He ran in your direction. He almost got to you, until Pete punched him right in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Michael, if you ever come near me or (Y/n) again, I'll make sure it'll be your last." Pete held you close to him. "(Y/n), I swear to god I'll kill you!" Michael screamed as he was forced into the police car.

Pete kept hugging you until the car was out of sight. You were pretty sure that Pete's shirt was soaked, but he didn't care. Pete looked at you. "(Y/n), I'm sorry you had to go through this. You are worth more than this. You deserve better." You looked at him through a half swollen eye. "Pete, thank you for being there when I need you. Thanks for being my friend. T-"

You were interrupted by Pete's soft lips on yours. He pulled away, and hugged you tight. You and Pete got in the ambulance, and were taken to the hospital. All you remember, was falling asleep in Pete's arms, feeling safe for the first time in a while.

Sorry this one is a little long, but I felt like this imagine is decent. If you or a loved one is being abused, call 1-800-799-SAFE
Thanks for reading,


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