Patrick Imagine: Snow

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A/N: Hey. I'm sorry it has taken me a while to update, but I'm writing a new story. I promise I'm not abandoning this book.

Monday January 7th,2018

Yesterday, your boyfriend, Patrick, got a call. He has been asked to come back early from his leave. The army needed him more than ever. You started to cry. This us the second time that this has happened to you and him. It starts out all fine, then they call and sat he has to come back for another few months.

Patrick had his bags packed a few moments after he received the call. You looked him directly in the eyes. You hated this part of a relationship with a soldier, the leaving. At least you had gotten a puppy to keep you company while he was away, although it wasn't the same feeling.

You sat on the couch and scrolled through all the pictures of you and Patrick. It brought joy to your heart every time you looked at the smiling face of your sweetheart.

Winter, the season of many feelings. It was the season that he asked you out in, but also the season where they called and asked him to come in for a mission. You smiled as you remembered the day he asked you out.

"Hey, look. It's snowing!"

You held out your hand and caught the falling snowflakes. Many flakes started to come down faster as you looked down and saw that it was sticking. It It was accumulating faster, and you soon began picking up snow from the ground.

You yelled over to Patrick. As he turned around to a face full of snow. You almost fell over from laughing so hard. It was the funniest thing that you had seen in a long time. It brought a light feeling to your heart. Patrick returned the gesture by throwing a snowball at you.

"(Y/N)! Snowball fight!"

You two began throwing balls of the snow at each other. You two might as well have been kids.

You eventually got tired and threw up your hands in defeat.

"I surrender." You yelled and laughed. He laughed with you. Patrick lightly tackled you, and you both ended up on the snowy ground. Patrick looked you in the eyes. He smiled.

"(Y/N), I was wondering if you would like to go out sometimes." He but his lip as if he was waiting to get rejected. You pulled his face closer to yours, and kissed him gently. You pulled away and softly spoke, "Of course."

Time skip because I'm too lazy to write...

Wednesday February 14th

You woke up at 5:30. You walked to your bathroom. Things aren't the same without Patrick. You hoped and hoped that he is still alive. You looked in the mirror and noticed that there were bags under your eyes. You missed him a lot. The days seemed to get longer. It was Valentine's Day and without Patrick, it had a sad vibe.

Time passed by and soon it was the afternoon. You heard a knock on your door.  In the back of your mind, you thought it was just neighbors. You peered through the window and opened the door.

"Group. Attention!"

They all formed up.

"Ready face!"

At the same time, they all turned. You saw someone at the end of the line.

"Present arms!"

They all saluted, and the mystery man, whose face wasn't visible, turned around. He walked forward in a straight line, stopping a few feet in front of you.

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