Pete Imagine: The Tutor pt.2

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Pete has been your tutor for a while now, and you enjoy every moment of the time you're with him. When he gave you his number, you guys started texting. You formed a crush on him a while back, but now you know that you really like him. You're afraid that he might be wierded out of you tell him, so you decided to wait.

It was nearing the end of school, so, you knew that you wouldn't see him much throughout the summer months. You knew you had to tell him, or things would be awkward. The last time you would see him, would be tomorrow.

You contemplated a way to tell him, so it wouldn't sound so awkward. The way you decided on was to go over to his house, and tell him at the end of your lesson. It was the best sounding plan.

School had just ended for the day. Pete knew you were coming over. You went home first, to tell your parents where you'll be going. They say it's okay, so you head towards Pete's house. Turns out, he lives in the same neighborhood as you. It was convenient.

The walk to Pete's house was quiet. You were thinking of things to say to him. Hey, from the time we've met, to now, I really like you Pete. That was the one. It was sweet but not too cheesy.

By the time you got there, you have begun to feel very nervous.

The walk up to his front door is quiet, almost like it was hard for you to breathe steadily. After a good three minutes, you knocked. The door opened, and Pete was standing there, looking as magnificent as always. He tells you to come inside, and you walk in to his house. The door closes, and you feel even more nervous than before. It was just you, and him, all by yourselves. It didn't help that you were think about if it were to go wrong. Pete gives you this weird look, almost as if he was thinking the same thing.

After a moment of this awkward silence, Pete offers you a drink. You tell him that water would be fine. He comes out of the kitchen a few moments later, and hands you your water. He asks you something. "Hey, (y/n), are you okay, cause you look a little pale." You manage to choke out a slight I'm fine. He nods, and asks something else. "You seem to be thinking hard about something, would you like to talk about it?" You nod, and he sits next to you, waiting to hear what you have to say.

You start to speak, "Well, there's this guy. I really like him, but I don't know how to tell him. I'm afraid that if I do say something, that he'll say no, or get all weirded out. He's a really nice, handsome guy. I don't think he likes me back though." Pete nodded, and looked at you. "(Y/n), don't be afraid to ask. If things don't work out, maybe there a reason. Maybe, there is someone who is meant just for you. Ask them, and I'm sure they'll be lucky to have you. You are a smart, pretty lady, with an amazing potential. To make you feel better, there is this girl I like. She is beautiful, smart, and is a really nice person all together. Hey, I have an idea. How about, we say the names of the people we like on the count of three." "One, two, three." Pete says "(Y/n)." While you say his name.

You both sit there in awe. He looks at you and asks you if you would like to go out on a date someday, and you say yes, as tears fill up your eyes. You lean over and hug Pete, as he hugs you back. You instantly feel less nervous as he said your name. Maybe you two were meant to be, only time will decide your outcome together.

You spend at least an hour a with Pete. After a while, you get a text from your mom, saying that you need to get home soon. You tell Pete goodbye, and that you'll text him later on. You walk out the door, smiling, as you have just got together with the man of your dreams, your tutor, Pete Wentz.

A/N: Yo, I hope that you have enjoyed this. I hope to be updating more often, because school is almost over(Woo!)

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