Patrick Imagine : Vacation

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been writing much, I just couldn't think about this book, so I'm going start writing this again❤️
You and Patrick have been dating for a few years, so he decided to plan something special for your 5 year anniversary. You keep asking, and asking, and asking, but all he says is, "Wait and see, you'll love it." One day, you ask, "Patrick, why won't you tell me where we're going?" All he replies with is, "Well, if I tell you, then it won't be a surprise."
**Two weeks later**
Today is the day. Today you and Patrick leave for the vacation. You wake up, not realizing that today is your fifth anniversary. When you get up, Patrick walks into the bedroom all happy, and he looked absolutely adorable. You are confused, and ask "Patrick, why are you so happy?" He gave you a confusing look, and he replied, "(y/n), don't you remember what day it is?" It takes you a minute to remember, but then it hits. "OH MY GOD, I TOTALLY FORGOT....I'M SO EXCITED FOR THE TRIP..." Patrick stops you, and he says,"Well, if you want to get going on the trip, we better pack, then head to the airport." You gather the things you will need for the trip, then you guys head to the airport. The flight is pretty long, but you fell asleep a few hours into the flight. You wake up to a soft voice saying "(y/n), we made it through the flight, we're here." You look out the window, but you really don't see anything, because you just woke up, and your vision is still slightly blurry. A voice came on the speakers saying, "We have reached our destination, welcome to Hawaii everyone!" You look over at Patrick, and he looked so excited to be here. When you guys got off the plane, you got your bags, and called a taxi, so that you and Patrick can get to the hotel. The drive seemed to take forever, but you arrived. Patrick checked in to the hotel, and you guys went to the room. It was a really nice room, everything was perfect, even the view from the balcony. You could see all the beautiful parts of nature that you never see on a regular basis. Patrick finally breaks the silence and says, "(Y/n), why don't we go for a walk on such a lovely night?" You replied with a soft, simple "Yes, I would love to."
You guys left the hotel, and Patrick is talking about how he has been here before, and knows the best spots to go to on such a lovely night. You grab Patricks hand, and keep walking. You finally reach the place Patrick was talking about. It was breathtaking, it was even better with Patrick by your side. You look next to you, but you don't see him any where. You turn fully around to see Patrick getting down on one knee, while he pulls out a small black box. "(Y/N), I don't know if words can describe how I feel about you. Hell, I don't know if they ever will. (Y/N), ever since I have laid eyes on you, I knew that you were the one for me. This has been the best five damn years of my life, and I would like to make that last for a lifetime. So... (Y/N), will you marry me?"
You start to cry tears of joy, as you shakily reply "YES, YES, I DO!"
Patrick gets up and slides the ring on your finger, and it fit perfectly. You both are a crying mess, as he pulls you close, and kisses you passionately. You suggest that you guys should take this to the hotel room. And with that, you were ready to start a happy life together. This was the best vacation you have ever taken. You and Patrick went to sleep with smiles plastered on your faces. Now only fate decides what happens next.
A/N : yo, sorry this took so long to update, I have just been too stressed out over school, and I'm not that excited about it either. I hope that I can update this more. I hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️

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