Joe imagine : The note

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Sorry this is a bit long.. ^~^
You had just confessed your love to Joe last year in middle school. Over the summer y'all grew closer and close to each other and nothing could break y'all up.
When school started you guys were shocked that most of your classes were together so y'all were happy.
The first day of school
Joe texted you that he will pick you up for school. Meanwhile in your mind..... What if I get made fun of? What will happen if I get in trouble? Later after you got dressed you heard a knock on the door downstairs. Your mom opened the door as you ran downstairs. "Hi Mrs. (L/N) is (Y/N) ready for school." Joe politely said as his face lighted up with joy when he saw you. You said your goodbyes to everyone and went to go to Joe's car. You told him about your nervousness and he said "(Y/N) it'll be okay. Plus we have most of our classes together so you will be with me almost all day." Somehow that made you feel better.
At the high school
You both stood at the entrance and you saw a lot of students talking with friends. When the bell rang it was like a stampede of bulls because you were shoved around and can't get through.
So as you wandered around to find your classes you were amazed to find that they were just on one hall.
First period
You and Joe had seats next to each other and that made you feel a lot better.
"Hi I'm Mr.(random name) and I'll be teaching you science for the rest of the year. So sit back and relax because you don't have homework in this class."
As he called role call
"(Random name),(random name),(random name).............(Y/N),and Joe. Great everyone is here."
At lunch
Joe met up with his friends Brendon, Patrick, Andy, and Pete.
They all introduced themselves so I did the same thing. "Nice to meet you guys my name is (Y/N)."
During fourth period
You made two or three friends already and you talked a good amount, but just then a piece of paper landed on your desk. You assumed it was from Joe and opened it read. Hey beautiful just wanted to let you know that I love you. You were internally dying
because it was so sweet. You wrote back I'm doing good thanks for asking sweetie. You threw the paper back to him and he smiled at what you wrote.
To be continued.
Thanks for reading this and more updates will be coming soon.

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