Joe Imagine: Help

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You and Joe were walking down the street. You knew something was up, but you couldn't figure it out. Joe seemed nervous. He was messing with his hands. You wanted to know, but, at the same time, you didn't want to be in his business.

Every few minutes, Joe would check his phone. He seemed to be expecting a text from someone. You worried about him a lot lately. Finally, you guys reached your destination.

You wanted to ask Joe what was going on, but decided against it. You thought, if Joe wanted you to know, he would tell you something. It was weird though. You and him were best friends since you were six years old. He basically told you everything.

You two walked inside a coffee shop, and went up to the register to order your drinks. It took a minute for you to decide what exactly you wanted. You ended up choosing a vanilla cappuccino.

Joe payed played for the drinks, and walked over to get them. When he reached the table, you have Joe a half smile, and he returned it. You had sat down at a table located near a window. Joe sat down, still looking nervous, but instead of looking down at the floor, he looked right into his cup of coffee cup.

Joe finally broke the silence when he said, "Hey, can I tell you something?" You nodded, which signalled for him to continue what he was saying. "Well, I've been thinking about something. I've wanted to say it for a while, but I didn't have the courage to. I just recently told my parents, and they were cool with it."

You wanted to know what he was thinking. "Joe, you know you can tell me anything. I mean anything. I will still see you as the same person no matter what. I'm there for you." You reassured him, and waited for him to speak.

"Well, a few months ago, I started having feelings for someone. They are new feelings. I'm afraid that if I tell them, they wouldn't be my friend anymore." You nodded, waiting for him to continue. "Well, I have something to tell you." He paused, and took a long breath.

Joe kind of chuckles at what he was thinking, and he opened his mouth. "Lets get something straight. I'm not." Your eyes widened at his words. He looked nervous, as if he was expecting a bad reaction. You got up, and walked over to him. You gave him a hug.

"Joe, that's great. I'm proud for you. I'm happy that you are figuring out who you really are." A smile was plastered on your face, and a smile was forming on his face. He looked up at you. "(Y/N), thanks for being my friend, and thanks for accepting me for who I am." He said that with a smile.

You were happy for him, and you wanted to know who he was talking about earlier. You decided to ask. "Hey, who was that person you were talking about earlier? " Joe looked at you, opening his mouth. "It's Andy Hurley." You nodded as he continued. "I don't know if he would like me back. I'm worried that if I tell him, we wouldn't be friends anymore."

You pulled out your phone, not telling Joe what you were doing. You opened you messages, and scrolled until you found the thread of texts between you and Andy.

You: Hey

You waited a few minutes for a response. A sound went off, and you looked at you phone.

Andy: Hi, what's up?
You: Not much, what about you.
Andy: Thinking about you know who.
You: Ah, I see.
You: What if I told you that you know who likes you too.
Andy: What?? Wait, this better not be a joke.
You: It's not, I'm at a coffee shop with him right now, he told me that he likes you.
Andy: Oh shit, I don't know what to say.
You: I have an idea, I'll give you his number, and you'll text him. Sound good?
Andy: Yeah, it does.

You sent Andy Joe's phone number, and waited. You say your phone down, and took a sip of your coffee. It was at the point where it was warm, but not hot. You saw Joe's phone light up, a sound going off. Joe looked at the notification. Not long after he got tye message, you got a message. It was a screenshot.

Andy: Here is the text that I sent him, I hope it's not too cheesy.

The text read,'Hey, it's Andy, I have developed some feelings for you, and a certain someone said you did too. I just wanted to know if you would like to hang out sometime, get to know each other better.'

You: It's perfect, he'll like it.

Joes face had a surprised expression. He was smiling also. You leaned back in your chair, smiling as you did so. Joe looked up at you, and knew something was up. He looked at you, until he eventually spoke.

"So, I got a text from Andy, and he said a certain someone told him my feelings about him." I smiled, speaking. "Andy told me a few months ago that he likes you, so when you told me you felt the same way, I had to text him. I gave him your number." Joe smiled, and spoke up.

"Well, I would love to stay and talk, but I have a date to go on." With that, Joe turned around, and walked out the door with the same smile plastered on his face. You finished your coffee, and threw the cup away.

You walked out of the building, and made your way towards your apartment. You smiled to yourself, knowing that you helped Joe get with the man he liked.

Hey, thanks for reading this chapter. I'm trying to update more often, but there are a lot of things going on right now.


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