Joe Imagine: First Kiss

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You and Joe have been dating for a few months. You guys have reached that part in your relationship, where you guys hug and say the words 'I love you'. But, you guys have never actually kissed. Every time Joe leans in, you get scared, and chicken out, but this time, you have something special for Joe. It was nearing the weekend, and you had a plan.

You texted Patrick, asked him what Joe likes, he told you everything that you wanted to know. He told you that Joe's favorite food was pizza, so you knew what to make. Patrick also told you that Joe likes to watch superhero movies, so you picked out the Captain America trilogy.

You looked at the clock, and noticed that Joe would be home soon, so you started to get everything ready. You began with the pizza, you found a recipe on how to make homemade pizza, so you followed the instructions. After the pizza was prepared, you pulled out the movies.

The clock read 5:30, so you put the pizza in the oven, and set the timer. You were beginning to feel nervous because Joe would be home soon. Outside, there was a sound of someone shutting the car door.

The door opened, and Joe walked in, he looked amazing as always, but today he seemed extra amazing. You pulled him into a hug, and took in his scent. He always smelled nice. You wanted to tell him everything, but you didn't say anything about your plans.

You were smiling at Joe. He looked over at you, and also smiled. For a few minutes, you were staring at eachother. You looked at the time and said "OH MY GOD, IT'S GOING TO BURN" Joe was confused for a second, but followed you into the kitchen. You opened the oven, and sure enough, the pizza you were going to make burned slightly.

Joe giggles a little bit, because he found this humorous. You looked at him, the ran up to him. He hugged you tight. You pulled away, and stared into his eyes. He started to lean forward, and you leaned in, closing the gap. There had to be sparks flying.

You had waited for the moment where you get the courage to lean in and kiss him. You pulled away smiling. You pulled Joe into the living room, sitting him on the couch. You walked over to the T.V and put the first Captain America movie on.

You then ordered a pizza, so you guys had something to eat. Throughout the movie, you noticed that Joe has fallen asleep. You cuddle up next to him, and soon fell asleep. This turned out to be the best night ever.

A/N: I finally updated this book, sorry for the long wait, but I have a lot of school work to do. I hope to update this regularly💙

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