Joe Imagine:The Note(rewritten)

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High school. Senior year to be more exact. Just the thought of school just sickened you. The only thing that made school better was your boyfriend, Joe.

He made sure that nothing happened to you. He made sure that you were happy throughout the day. What also made you happy, is that you have all your classes with him.

The only thing was that you two would get in trouble for talking in class, so you had an idea. But, with the thought of getting in more trouble, you scratched that idea. You kept thinking. Maybe you should continue with your plan.

Starting off, in first period, which was your least favorite class, you sat next to Joe. Your teacher called out names, and you heard the quiet replies. After he finished with the names, he started to teach the lesson.

You zoned out after he started talking about the different ways in which you could solve one math problem. All you cared about was getting the right answer. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard your name being called out.

You looked up, only to see the teacher looking at you, and apparently wanting an answer to the equation. You shrugged, not knowing the answer, then he called on the person next to you, Joe.

"The answer is 45.3." Joe looked at you and smiled. You shot him a slight glare, and he laughed. You decided that it would be a good idea to start paying attention. So, you started taking notes.

You saw a hand slide on your desk, and saw a folded piece of paper. You reached for the paper, and opened it. As you read what was written, you smiled, and looked over at Joe, who was currently smiling at you.

You quickly wrote a response on it, and handed it back to Joe. You watched him open it, and he smiled at the words. You slightly blushed.

The bell rang, signaling the end of first period.

*time skip cause im lazy af*

Third period just ended, and lunch period just began. You walked to the cafeteria, holding hands with Joe. You both headed to the same lunch line, and got the usual. Pizza, chips, and a drink.

You and Joe found your friends, walking over to the table they were currently occupying. At the table were: Patrick, Pete, Brendon, Tyler, Josh, Andy, you, Joe, Dallon, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank, Kellin, Vic, Ronnie.

It was loud. Very, very loud. Not just at your table. The whole scene was loud. You had formed a headache halfway during second period. The excessive noise wasn't helping one bit. It only amplified the pain, making it worse.

You excused yourself from the table, and exited the cafeteria, walking towards the bathroom. You looked at your reflection in the mirror. The only word that came to mind was tired. You looked and felt tired.

Maybe the lack of sleep has been causing the migraines. Who knows.

You washed your hands to make it look like you've used the bathroom. You wiped your hand on your pants, and opened the door.  You were greeted face to face by Joe.

You smiled, and he returned the smile. "Hey, um, I was wondering what was wrong. You haven't been your usual self today." You looked at him. "Don't worry, it's just a bad headache. I'm used to them, but this one is just worse than the others."

Joe hugged you, and you two walked back to the cafeteria. As soon as you two made it to the doors, the bell rang, so you turned around, and headed to fourth period, science.

Today, you were dissecting a frog, and somehow you and Joe were in the same group. Like first period, you were handed a piece of paper that contained a sweet message from Joe.

It read: You know what's better than dissecting a frog?

You laughed. You replied.


Dissecting a frog with you :)

You smiled to yourself. He was so cheesy. You were careful not to cut your fingers off. You finished making the incision, and then grabbed Joe's hand.

"Ew, don't touch me with your frog hands." He laughed after finishing that sentence.

After science ended, you two headed home. After reaching Joe's house, you two went to his room. He handed you the the same piece of paper that you had earlier, but this time, there was new writing on it.

Wanna lay down and sleep?

Sure :)

Joe smiled as you two layed down. He was so sweet. How in the world did you end up with him? It didn't matter. You were happy with him.

Before you fell asleep, you whispered. "You realize that you could've talked to me instead of writing."

"I know, I just like seeing you smile."

Yo, I'm so so sorry for the inconsistent updates. I'm writing another story, and I'm trying to start my first year of high school off right.

Hopefully, I'll be able to update faster, but i want to make sure that these stories are decent.

Actually, I've rewritten this chapter about three times, this is the third version XD.

Thanks for reading this book.

Also, I'm so close to reaching 2k reads on this book, thank you♡

Also, check out my other book I'm writing, it's called hospitalized, and it's Peterick.

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