Andy imagine: Supernatural

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//Okay, so this takes place in the show supernatural\\
Andy, sadly has passed away during his fight with the hell hounds. All you know is that he went to hell. It's been awful, you never actually told him how you felt about him in general. Ever since you two have been working together, you have developed some intense feelings for him. Everyone who knew Andy has been affected by his tragic death. He has been gone for at least two months already, it seems like forever. Death can affect people different ways, but you took it hard. Andy meant a lot to you.

Everything's been wild since he's died. Demons have been popping up everywhere, and you had to get help from a friend of Andy's. His name was Joe. Joe was also a hunter, like you and Andy. He had all the weapons you have, including more weapons. All of which included your knife that killed demons on the spot with one stab. Over a period of time, you guys killed about thirteen demons, which was a lot in the time span of about two months.

On one stormy night, Joe got a visit from someone. It was weird at first, but he realized what it was.

On that same night, there was a quick knock. You, not liking storms, fell back asleep, thinking that it was the weather.

A few moments later, you hear another set of knocks, only louder. Again, you try to ignore it, telling yourself that it's only the storm. Throughout the night, you finally managed to stay asleep

You woke up early that morning, to a set of knocks, and a voice that sounded like Joe. You opened the door, seeing that it was just Joe. "Hey, (Y/n), could you possibly come over to my house, there is something I would like to show you." "Sure, just let me get dressed." You grabbed some clothes, then went in the bathroom. While you were in there, you decided to take a shower. You started to think about the things you and Andy did together. Eventually, you started crying. When you got out, the mirror was fogged up, so you couldn't see your reflection, which was good, counting the fact that you haven't really taken care of yourself since Andy died.

Not long after getting out of the shower, you got dressed in a black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a red flannel. You walked out of the bathroom, with a towel still wrapped around your head. You sit down on the bed, and put your head down. Joe gets up, and moves next to you. He starts to comfort you. You, wanting Andy back, lean on Joe, and start to cry.

Joe tells you to get in his car. You comply. Most times, you would take your car, but you aren't in the best condition do drive. Joe starts to drive.

You end up at his house. Joe tells you to go upstairs, and that he has a surprise for you. You walk upstairs, feeling uneasy. You go into one of the guest bedrooms, and sit down on the bed. You put your head on your hands.

A few minutes later, you hear How call your name. You tell him you're in the guest bedroom.

He tells you to close your eyes, so you did. You feel a presence, but you quickly think that can't be it.

Joe tells you to open your eyes, and you're greeted with a soft kiss by the one and only, Andy Hurley. At first you don't believe it. Then he tells you everything.

You start to cry, Andy hugs you, and says that everything will be okay. You just got Andy back.

A/N: Sorry for taking this long to update this, I should be able to update regularly. I'm also writing a new story.

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