Andy Imagine:Suicide

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Sorry for making these stories sad, but I feel better writing that way.
//Trigger Warning
Mentions of

You lay in your bed. Your sheets were stained with a mixture of tears and blood. Tears from crying, and blood from your arms. Your thoughts weren't the best right now. You just got a text from your boyfriend.

Your current condition was all because of the few words he typed and sent. He broke up with you. You felt betrayed. Useless. Worth nothing. Those words kept repeating in your head.

He never loved you. He just felt sorry for you. No one will ever care about you. No one will ever love you. You are worthless. Stupid. Ugly.

For every thought that crossed your mind, there was a new mark on your skin. You kept on, until your thoughts got out of control. These cuts weren't doing it. You wanted to take it to a new level.

You put on a long sleeved shirt, and a pair of sweatpants. Both in the color of black. It hurt to move. The fabric was rubbing against the newly created scars. You could feel the blood soaking the clothes.

You walked out of your apartment complex, stepping out into the chilly December air. You could see your breath. This would be the last time. You walked down the sidewalk, bypassing people who were genuinely happy. People who had normal lives. Lives that aren't weighed down with awful thoughts.

You felt tears run down your cheeks.

Weak. All you are is weak. No wonder why he left you. Nobody wants you. You are just their toy that they eventually get tired of. No one will care about you.

You stopped in your tracks when a tall building came into view. It was tall enough that you wouldn't survive the fall, but short enough that you wouldn't have to climb many stairs. It was perfect.

After walking towards the entrance, you opened the doors. It was pretty decent inside. Everything was nice. You walked around until you found a door leading to the staircases. You walked up at least twenty flights of stairs until you finally reached the top.

You walked on to the roof of the building. Everything was quiet. You were feeling lightheaded because the blood loss. You sat down, leaning against a part of the wall. You started to cry again.

Do it. Stop being a coward. Quit crying. Weak.

That's all you thought, but you just pushed the thoughts aside, and sat there. The cold air was getting colder. You wrapped your arms around your knees. You put your head down, letting the tears fall once more.

Your thoughts still drowned you mind. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard footsteps. You saw the person walk past you, they stopped at the edge. They looked down, and backed away, their eyes landing on you.

You put your head down, but they walked closer to you. They sat down next to you. You heard a mixture of their cries and yours. You finally looked up, the sky was clear, and the stars were shining bright. You shut your eyes, and let the tears fall.

You heard a soft voice. "H-hi." You looked over to the person next to you. "H-hey." It's all you could manage to get out. They looked over at you, and your eyes met. They were beautiful. Mesmerising even. You could get lost in them.

You were snapped out of your trance when they spoke up. "My name is Andy. Andy Hurley." You looked at them. His face was perfect. Even when it was lit up by the stars. "I'm  (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." He smiled lightly. Your heart melted.

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