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~ Present day ~
I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, I didn't bother to look at who it was. "Hello" I grumbled. "Morning lazy arss" I heard someone say on the other end of the phone. I could recognise the voice anywhere. "TRIS" I yelled down the phone. I could hear him laugh. "Ah that's better....... Now can you come and unlock your door..... I am bloody freezing out here" he laughed. I hung up the phone and ran downstairs. This is probably the fastest I have ever moved in a morning. I opened the door to see him stood there. He was wearing black and skinny jeans and a animal print top. "TRISTAN" I squealed as I leaped into his arms. "LUCY" he mimicked and he hugged my tight. "What the hell are you doing here.... You're not due back until Friday" I asked. "Yeah well we had no more shows and I couldn't wait any longer to see my best friend in the whole world" he smiled. We stood outside talking until he mentioned something. "Luc sorry to cut you off but if you don't let me in..... I swear down I am going to hey hypothermia" he laughed. "Oh right sorry" I laughed as we walked in the house and i closed the door behind him. "Omg Tris I am so happy that you are home again, I have missed talking to you so is Laura? are the guys?..... How is b-" I stopped. I didn't know why I was asking how he was. I haven't seen or talked to him since the day we broke up. Part of me wanted to know if he was ok and if he missed me at all but then the other part of me didn't. I didn't want to hear or think about him with another girl. "Brad?" Tris asked. I nodded my head. "em his is ok" he said awkwardly. A little bit too awkwardly. He was hiding something. "Tris what's going on?" I asked. "Nothing" he replied rather fast. "Anyways everyone is ok..... Laura can't wait to see you and neither can James and con" he smiled.
Laura was Tristan girlfriend and one of my best friends. Me, Laura and Tristan all went to school together. I knew that they had feeling for each other since we were like 14 and then one day Tristan finally grew the balls to ask her out and they have been a couple ever since. They are so cute. I totally ship them! James and Connor are also two of my best friends now. I met James and Connor when Tristan got into the band and we have been best friends since then. I also met brad through Tristan and the band. It has been really hard not seeing them since they went on tour just under 3 months ago but they are back now which I am so happy about.
"Omg I can't wait to see them" I smiled. "Good cause we are meeting them at start buck in like 20 minutes" he smiled. "omg Tristan.....could you not have given me anymore warning.....first you wake me up and then you only give  me 20 minutes to get ready" I complained. "You know how much I love to wind you up" he smiled. "Ugh you're such a dick sometimes" I laughed. "Yeah I know but you love me for it" he laughed. I didn't reply. I made my way upstairs to start doing my make-up. Tristan followed me up and sat on my bed while I did my hair and make-up. It took me about 10 minutes to do my make-up and I out my hair up in a bun. I was just about to get changed when I remembered that Tris was still sat on my bed. I turned around to see him playing on him phone. "Out" I ordered. "ugh fine" I groaned as I walked out my door and I closed it behind him. "I didn't see why o have to leave....we have been friends for like ever.... I have seen you get changed before" he yelled through the door. "Well I didn't think that Laura would be very impressed that he boyfriend is watching her other best friend get changed.... Do you?" I replied. "Good point" he laughed. I threw on some black skinny jeans, I black vest top and a red cheque shirt over the top. I then topped it off with my black boots. I opened the door to see Tristan leaning against the wall. "Ready?" I asked. "Yep "He replied as we left my house.
As I got in Tristan's car we set off, his car Bluetooth went off alerting him of an incoming call. "AYE!" He yelled as he answered. "Where are you?" Laura asked straight away. "Why?" Tristan asked. "Because I'm stuck with James and Connor, freezing my ars off because they won't let us go inside and get a table until you arrive." Laura sulked down the phone. "Awe well I'm just leaving Lucy's..." Tristan told her mouthing for me to be quiet. "YAY SO LUCYS WITH YOU?" Laura yelled happily. "I'm afraid not... She's ill throwing up everywhere." Tristan told her putting on a sad voice. "What? Lucy's not coming?" Laura asked. "I'm afraid not." Tristan spoke sounding upset again, I sat there dying to laugh. "She has to come! I can't not see her! This is a prank right?" Laura asked sounding more panicked and upset. "She's not coming... I'm sorry." Tristan told her but I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "TRISTAN YOU ARE SUCH A TWAT! UGH! I ACTUALLY BELIEVED YOU! UGH DONT TRICK ME LIKE THAT!" Laura yelled annoyed down the phone. "Awe I'm sorry baby." Tristan tried but was laughing too much. "No don't speak to me." Laura snapped as she hung up. "Well my girlfriend hates me now." Tristan told me laughing slightly.

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