What Shall I Do?

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Brad's POV

Ok what the actual hell just happened. She still loves me after I broke her. I didn't even know that hurt her so much. How could I do that to her. I still care about her so much. I just can't believe that I did that to her. I'm such a bad person. No brad. You can't worry about that at the minute. You are getting married to the girl you love in less than an hour. Get a grip. You love Chloe. Not Lucy. So get her out of you head. I love Lucy, wait no Chloe. I love Chloe! Oh god. This is a mess!

Lucy's POV

"Pull yourself together" I whispered to myself. I need to get a grip. I took a deep breath and headed down the corridor. Shit which way did I come from? Why do these halls all look the same? I took a right turn and carried on walking. "Oh my god" I heard someone giggle followed by some strange noises. Now I am no expert but to me that sounded like 2 people were getting a bit.......... Friendly. I turned the next corner to see my thoughts confirmed but it wasn't just anyone. It was Chloe.

3hat do I do. I can't exactly go and stop her. I'm not even supposed to be here. Should I tell brad? Should I just leave it? No Lucy. She is cheating on the guy you love on her wedding day. You have to tell someone. Before I could stop myself I whipped out my phone and took a video. I guess I could use this as proof. Omg why do I feel so bad. I haven't done anything wrong. Technically I could save him from being made a complete fool. However I don't think he will really want to see me considering I have just been screaming at him and told him that he broke my heart but I still love him. If I tell him though he will just think that I am lying to get him back. To be fair I can see why we will think that but it's so not the truth.

I turned around and started walking again. I need to find my way out of here. I can't deal with this. How do I always manage to get myself involved with problems? Why are they always t9o do with bard? "Lucy" I heard a faint call behind me. I turned around to see Olivia running towards me. "Oh hi Olivia "I smiled. "What are you doing in the halls, the wedding will be starting soon. Shouldn't you be sat down with corridor and the guys?" I asked. "Well I went to the toilet and got lost, what are you doing here?" she asked. Well how do I really answer that? I think that everyone who knows me knows that I shouldn't really be here. "Hey are you ok?" he asked and she put her hand on my arm. "No not really" I spoke quietly. "Why? What's wrong?" she asked. "Well I don't know what to do?"  I felt my voice go wobbly and tear brim in my eyes. I can't help myself but cry when I talk about brad. That's what he does to me. "Hey it's ok" she hugged me. I really like Olivia. She is so sweet. She is great for Connor and I think that we are going to be really good friends. "Erm can I ask you a question?" she nodded. "Anything?" "What would you do if you caught someone doing something that would make someone else you really care about look like a complete mug?" I asked. "Well if I really cared about them I would have to say something. There is more chance of damage if you don't say anything" she explained. I know she was right but she didn't know the full story and even if I did say something to brad about it, I know he wouldn't listen to me and he would think I am lying. I just know. "But what if you know they won't listen you" I asked as I wiped the tears away. "Then there is nothing else you can do, you have tried and if they don't listen that is not your fault."

Ok. So I know that I have to go and tell brad. Like Olivia said, if I tell him and he still doesn't listen then there is nothing else I can do. "thanks Olivia, look I have to go do something really important, but I think if you carry on this way it should take you back to Connor" "ok" she smiled. She started to walk off. "Oh and Olivia" I yelled after her. "Yeah" she turned around. "Thanks" I spoke. She smiled and then carried on walking down the corridor. I turned around and ran off towards brads room.

I turned the corner. I felt physically sick by the sight. "Ok baby, I will see you soon" brad smiled as he leaned to kiss Chloe. I could tell how much he was blinded by her but she didn't care. What sort of some back cheats on their fiancé just minutes before going to see them and kissing them. How could anyone she so evil. I hate people who cheat. They don't even deserve love. I know this sounds completely messed up because in a way brad did cheat on me but my head is so messed up, that I don't even know how I am feeling. I am just a mess.

Their lips parted. "Bye baby" Chloe giggled in her fake, sickly sweet voice and ran off towards another room. Ok I guess it was now or never. "BRAD" I called. His head spun towards me. I saw the pure shock and angry in his eyes. "Not now Lucy, just go home, I can't deal with this" he began to close the door. "No" I ran towards the door and pushed it open. "You can't just close me out, I need to tell you something" I spoke as I stepped in and closed the door behind me. "Yeah well you know what Lucy, I don't want to hear it!" his voice getting louder. Ok so he was getting angry. Great! "No you need to hear this" I also raised my voice. "NO! Who do you think you are, just coming in here on my wedding and telling me that you still love me? I love Chloe! Not you so just go" ok so that hurt. He has never actually said the words he doesn't love me since the breakup. "Do you think I came here with the intension of tell you that I love you cause believe me I didn't! I didn't want to tell you how much you hurt me. But I am here now to stop you looking like a complete mug. Just listen to me!" I yelled. "NO I CANT DEAL WITH THIS" he yelled. I hate it when he yelled at me. He only ever did it once in our relationship where I was scared of him. It was when we had come back from a club and he accused me of cheating on him because this creepy guys was chatting me up and touched my bum but once he was how scared I was of him he broke down in tears and hugged me so tight. He had never scared me since then.

"You know what brad, I am only trying help but since you won even listen to me then you think you should watch for yourself" I pulled out my phone. "What are you talk-"he paused as he was the screen. I saw his heart breaking. It hurt to see him in pain. I just wanted to hug him and make everything better for him but I couldn't. This wasn't my problem.  "What is this?" he whimpered. "This, this your perfect little Chloe cheating on you, and you know what brad, it hurts don't it" I snatched the phone off him and stormed out. I know I sounded really harsh and cold towards him. But eh annoyed me so much that I could help it. I walked as fast as I could out of the hotel while texting my friends on the way out.

Group chat to: T dog, Laura Dora, Condor, jemsy boi

Me: I can't do this, I have messed everything up, I am going home, just please tell brad that I am sorry xx

Laura Dora: why? What's happened? xx

T dog: Are you ok? Xxx

Condor: What's happened? Are you ok? xx

Jemsy boi: Lucy what have you done? Xx

T dog: Do you want me to meet you? Xx

Laura Dora: Lucy? xx

Condor: LUCY? Xx

Jemsy boi: Lucy? Xx

T dog: Lucy, answer us? Xx

But I couldn't answer. I need to be alone!


hey guys, i hope that you like this chapter. i didn't really know what to write but i know what i wanted to be in it if that makes any sense. anyway please comments and vote on it. thanks!

from lucy xx

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