Stag do

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2 weeks later ~

It was 3 days before the wedding and to be honest I have started to feel more and more nervous. After brads says those 2 little words, I have lost him and I might never get him back. I know what girl like her are like. All she wants is him to herself, all his attention on her! At first she will take him away from me when I have only just got him back, then she will take him away from his other friends, then his family, then his music and before we know it the band will split and she will have everything he has ever wanted off him. All his attention and all of his money for her. That will be the end for brad. He is nothing without music and the people he loves around him. All of the people he loves, not just her.

Tonight was brads stag do which meant my 4 best friends basically getting pissed off their faces, throwing up everywhere and leaving me and Laura to sort them out! Fun (not)!

It was 1:40am and me and Laura were trying are best not to fall asleep but I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. We were flicking thought the TV channels but nothing remotely interesting was on so we turned it off and decided to talk. "So what was that, that Tris walked in on with you and brad the other week" how did she know about that? She wasn't even there. "What?" I ask in confusion. "Don't act all dump with me missy, I know that you are brad were millimetres away from kissing, and I also know that if Tris hadn't of walked in then you would of carried on" she smirked. I could help the small smile appear on my face. "Yeah but it doesn't mean anything, it was just some stupid thing that's should never of happened." I explain. I had been doing a lot of thinking about and I don't think that it meant anything to him or he would have said something to me. So if it doesn't mean anything to him, it doesn't mean anything to me. "Look Lucy I know you, and I know brad and I know that both of you still have feeling for each other" she paused. "But-"I began but she carried on with her sentence. "He still loves you Lucy, I know it, in fact we all know it the only people who are clueless to see it is you and him, but I suppose that you have always been that way with each other. I mean you both liked each other for about a year before you even went on our first date because you thought that he didn't like you and he thought that you didn't like him" Laura laughed. She did have a point, but I know I was right about this one. If he still loved me he would do something about it, or the brad i know would have, but maybe the brad I knew isn't there anymore.

We both must have fallen asleep but were awaken by a noise coming from outside the front door. "Shit" we heard a drunken curs. It was tris without a doubt but he wasn't alone. "Shhhh" that was undoubtedly james. Great. They're all pissed. "Hunny im home" tris slurred as him and the guys stumbled through the door. Tris first, who was then followed by james and connor. However connor was being proped up by brad. "Hey guys, have fun?" I smiled. "Well we did but these idiot got so pissed that they could barly walk" brad explained. "Heyyyyyy" jammes wined, acting like a little child. "We wre just having fun" tris stated as he came over to laura and wrapped his arms around her waist but swaying while trying to keep his balance. All of their words were slured and their breath was vile. "come on guys, sit down" laura said as she slowly pushed tris down onto the sofa. "You lot aswell" i smiled as i took hold of james and connors hands and lead them to the sofa. "I love you lucyyyyy" james gigggled like a achool girl. I could help but laugh at them. "Yes i know and i love you aswell" i relplied as i ruffled his hair. "And you" i poked connors cheek. "Want about me" tris pouted. "And you of course T" i smiled.

They all layed on the sofa and with in a matter of minutes they had all passed out. "I'm gonna go grab the sick bucket" laura laugehd as she ran upstairs, leaving me and brad alone. "So it was your stag do but your 3 best men got pissed?" I checked. "Yep" brad replied, popping the p. "I thought that would of been tpur job, you knwo concidering it was your stag do" i laugh. "Well me too but it turns out they had different ideas, we got to the second bad and tehy were already on their way so by the time we got to the last bar, i was having to practicly carrie connor while james and tris stumbled all over the street, and then to make things worse james nearly got into a fight" Brad explained. "What? How?" That doesnt sound like james. "Well he was so pissed and knocked this guys beer all over him, lets just say he wasnt best pleased." I shook my head and laughed. Sounds like a very eventful night. "But all in all it was good night" he concluded. "Good" i smiled.

We stood in silence but not an arkward one. It was nice. "Hey" i heard brad chuckle. I looked up. "Do you remeber that time when me and you got absolutely pissed on like our 3rd date and when we were walking home we thought it would be a good plan to wake up laura and tris by banging on the door but when they found out it was us they nearly killed us" he laughed. "OMG, i had forgotten about that" i laughed. I guess we did have some good times together. "Well i didnt see the funny side to it" laura stated as she walked through the door with a large sick bucket in her hand. "No but we did" i laugh. I looked over at brad to see a smile spread across his lips. I guess that i had forgotten some of the good times we had. Things like our dates, trips to the sea side and staying up until god knows what time just talking. Those days were the best. No worries. No cares. Just me and him, right there and then. No complications but better yet, no chloe to stop us from being together.

"Look, im super tired so i think i am gonna head off, or do u still need a hand with these" i ask laura as i pointed toward the living room. We all loooked into see james, tris and connor passed out with their mouths eide on open and dribbling. Attractive! "Nah i think they will be pretty much out of it until the morning" she replied. "Ok cool" i smiled as i gave her a hug and started to put on shoes and coat. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Brad asked. "Erm i should be ok, its like a 10 minute walk, but thanks anyway" i smiled kindly. "Yeah well its about 2 in the morning, there is no way i am letting you walk home alone, in the dark" he protested. "Well ok" i could reply argue with him. We beagn to wlak out of the door when we wobled and realy tripped, but i maganged to stop him from falling. "Looks liek i had more then i thought" he giggled. I just smiled as be gan to walk home.

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