The next morning

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Lucy's pov
I woke up the next morning in someone's arms. I looked up to see brad sleeping soundly. He looked it was so cute when he was asleep. It was cute how his lips were slightly parted and every so often his noes would scrunch up. When we used to go out, I would lay there and watch him sleep of ages. I guess those days are gone. I untangle myself from his warm grip and made my way into the kitchen where I heard everyone else talking. "Morning" I said grumpily. I am not exactly a morning person. "Aww looked sleeping beauty is awake" Tris joked. "Omg Tris it is too early in a morning for your crap jokes" I snapped as I grabbed bowl and helped myself to some cereal. I then sat down at the table and joined in the convocation. 10 minuets and a bowl of coco pop later brad walked through the door. He started to get on his shoes. "Were are you going..... I thought that you was going to hang around for band practice?" Connor asked. "Well that was the plan but something has changed" he said as he carried on tying his shoes laces. "What?" James asked. He didn't reply. "Ooooo let me guess..... you are in the bad books with Chloe because you slept her last night instead of ta hers and now she wants you home so that she can have a go at you?" Laura guessed. "Bingo" brad laughed and she grabbed his car keys and left then house.
When he left we all were sat there in silence until Connor spoke up. "So....what was that with you and brad last night?" he asked whilst wiggling his eyebrows up and down. "What are you talking about" I asked trying to sound dumb. I knew that my cheeks were starting to blush. Even though nothing happened he still has this effect on me. "Don't try and act all dumb on me Lucy hunt.....but it was nice to see you two like that again" he smiled and everyone else nodded in agreement. We all carried on talking when Tris asked to talk to me privately. "Hey luc...can I have a word please" he asked. "Em yeah sure" I smiled as I stood up and followed him into the Livingroom.
"So what's up?" I asked as I sat down on the sofa. "Well I need your help" he said a she came and joined me. "Ok....are you going to tell me what with or do I have to guess?" I joked. "Ha ha very funny" he said sarcastically. "Anyways....its Laura's birthday next week and since it is her 20th I wanted to something special.... So I was thinking a party but I want it to be a surprise so...." He trailed doff but knew what he was going to say. "So you want me to help?" I guessed and he nodded his head. "Yeah cool....I assume that it is a surprise party?" I asked. "Yeah so you need to keep it quite..... I mean obviously I will let the guys know and they can help but I thought that you would be best because you are a girl and you are her best friend" he laughed. "Yeah cool" I smiled. "Thank you.... You're the best" he said as he pulled me in for a hug. "Well I try my best" I joke as I hug him back. Just as I hugged Tris back Laura and the guys burst in the room. "What going on?" Laura sked sounding confused. "Em nothing...... I was just talking to Lucy about something" Tris lied. He was such a bad liar. He would panic and make everything sound like it was a question so it was obvious he was lying. Lara raised an eyebrow. "What about?" she asked. "Erm....erm....erm..." he panicked. I need to save him. "I was just a little but upset.... I mean that it is 5 years ago on Thursday since Amelia died" I explained. "Awwww sorry...I should of known" Laura said as she ran over and hugged me. "No no it's weren't to know" I smiled.
I guess that I should have mentioned to you about Amelia. She was my step sister but we were just as close as real sisters. My mum always told me that my dad was a waste of space because he walked out me and her when I was 5 months old. I grew up with it being juts em and her. When I get to 8 she met a guy called Garry and he had a daughter who was 10. That was Amelia. At first I hated her and she hated me but when our parents got married when I was 10 and she was 12 we grew closer and closer until she wasn't like a step sister anymore... she was like my real sister. A few years later when I was 14, Amelia got hit by car when she was on her way home. She died at the scene. I never got to say goodbye to her. As sad as it is, I hate to tell people. They always give em sympathy and tell me that they know it must be hard but actually they have no idea how I feel. That I why I don't mention her to people. They only people who know are family and friends.

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