II. Bringing Back Memories.

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                I woke up again at 11:03 AM. I sat up in my bed and looked around, the sun was shining and Jc apparently hadn't returned considering my camera was still missing, since Jc had taken it to the beach with him. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my laptop. I decided to do what Jc had told me and I would watch old videos.

                Turning on my laptop, I looked at old, saved videos in my files. I smiled as I first watched the YouTube video I had first done on O2L, before I was even on the actual collaboration. It was a fact video about me. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched the video.

                Things had changed: the way I looked, the way I talked, even some of the facts had changed a little bit, but not too much. It was fairly interesting in my own opinion.

                I skipped through multiple old O2L videos and a few videos I had put on my channel a long time ago. None of them looked interesting, until I stopped on an old one. I didn't want to watch it, but at the same time I did. I decided to not watch the beginning, because I was too scared to know what my expression would be. I watched the video, and instantly, old memories began to flashback.

                "Unicorns aren't real!" I shouted at her in protest.

                She didn't make a noise. Her mouth dropped open as she fell to the ground. I wrapped my arms around her waist and laid down beside her, "I'm so sorry!"

                I bit my bottom lip as I held back tears. I couldn't help but smile a little. I continued watching the video. When it came to an end, I grabbed my phone and called her.

                "Hello?" She picked up the phone on the second ring.

                Her voice was still the same. Her voice was shaking and squeaky, a bit like she was nervous or something. Then again, I just called her, she had every reason to be nervous.

                I opened my mouth but I couldn't speak.

                "Kian?" She asked, her voice seemed to be calmer now.

                "Hi," I whispered into the phone, unsure if she had actually heard me.

                "Hey," she replied, "uhm, do you need something? I mean, you never call. Is this for a prank video? Because it's not funny and I don't want to be a part of your prank calls."

                "No, no." I answered her question, "it's not a prank call video. And I promise, I've avoided calling you in my videos because I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I don't want you to hate me anymore that you already do."

                "I don't, okay? I don't hate you. I'm just confused about everything. Does that make sense? I mean, rumor is that you and Jenn hooked up. Is that true? I don't know what to believe anymore. I mean, I know y'all hung out and went out to eat, but did you guys actually hook up?"

                "Why do you care about whether or not I hook up with her?" I snapped. It was an accident and I didn't mean to say it like that, but I did, and there was no going back.

                "Okay, look, I was just asking a fucking question, you don't need to get all damn defensive and shit. I just don't want my supposedly best friend dating my ex-boyfriend, it's just girl code or whatever, I don't know. Just tell me the truth." She spoke with a stern voice, as if she wasn't nervous anymore.

                "No, I didn't hook up with her, I simply just hung out with her. We went out to eat dinner, as friends. Then, we went home. We didn't do anything bad and we didn't hook up." I spoke honestly.

                "Okay, I believe you, that's what Jenn had said to me too, but I was so upset that I didn't believe her even though I wanted to." She said.

                I nodded, but then realized she can't see me, "uhm, you know the video that Jenn wants to film with us and many other people?"

                "Yeah, I don't want to do it." She mumbled.

                "Why? Is it because of me or because of Jenn, or is it because of both of us?"

                I heard her cough, "I don't know Kian. Maybe it was both. Okay? I still am not sure of anything. I just think it'd be awkward to see you guys. I mean, I haven't talked to you in a few months and I'm pretty sure that if we made an appearance together, it'd be so awkward and not to mention everybody, being the viewers, would make a big deal about it. And I don't want to have that happening. I don't want to be interviewed just about you. I don't need my YouTube videos having comments that ask if we are back together."

                "I understand, but you have a boyfriend, so technically they shouldn't be jumping to conclusions anyways, right?" I sighed.

                "What? No? I don't have a boyfriend, where'd you hear that?"

                "The boyfriend tag, on your channel?" I mumbled.

                She begins to laugh, "Kian? Did you not watch the video? It was a joke. I'm not dating anybody, okay? I'm as single as possible and I plan to stay that way for a while. Now, don't get all sappy and whatever."

                "Oh, okay," I smiled in relief, "you should do the video with Jenn, I'll do it to. We can stay far apart in the video if that's what you honestly want."

                "Okay, I guess I'll do the video." She replied, "I have to go by the way, Arden is here. Talk to you later I guess?"

                "Yeah, I'll talk to you later," I smiled, "or I guess I'll see you when we film the video for Jenn's channel."


                "Bye," I replied back.

                I hung up and then smiled to myself. I quickly went to the group text and I texted:

Me, Kian Lawley: I'll be in the video

Andrea Russett: I changed my mind, I will too. :)

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