XXXIX. The End.

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"But poetry, beauty, romance, love, 

these are what we stay alive for."

- Robin Williams as John Keating, Dead Poets Society


Andrea Russett

Today, today was the day that he and I decided that we would spend no time to waste. He had said today would be special, meaning it was to be a day we should never forget. 

"Babe, you ready?" He peeked around the corner at me.

I nodded, "yes, just let me do something with my hair, it's not cooperating."

I was wearing a grey sweater dress, with Kian's plaid shirt wrapped around my waist. He wore his commonly known white tee and ripped blue jeans, with his white Converse.

"Your hair looks beautiful baby, I like it just the way it is," he told me as he approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"It's a mess," I groaned and stared at myself in the mirror.

He chuckled, "even if it was not a mess, you'd still not be happy with it. Face it cupcake, you're always in denial about the way you look. You're beautiful, inside and out. You know that. You just don't want to admit it, correct or wrong?"

"You're so cute," I mumbled and kissed his cheek.

I faced the mirror again and just let my hair down, resting it on my shoulders. 

"Let's go," he whined, clearly excited for whatever it was that he planned for the day. 

I smirked and nodded, "of course baby."

We left his apartment and he drove us to an empty, grassy field. He looked at me, "you ready baby girl?"

I raised my eyebrow and then giggled, looking into the backseat to see a picnic basket and a red blanket. "Of course, a picnic basket and a red blanket. Could you not get anymore stereotypical when it comes to a picnic?"

He laughed, "I had just a Wal-Mart bag, but I bought the picnic basket from Target. Be appreciative, I spent money to be a stereotypical, romantic boyfriend."

We got out of the car, hand-in-hand and found a beautiful place to sit. He set out the blanket and set the picnic basket in the middle of the blanket.

"Today is going to be great," he smiled.

I nodded in agreement, then sat on the blanket and moved the picnic basket over to the edge of the blanket, so he could sit next to me.

"I love you Andrea," he told me, "and I don't ever want to lose you. You mean everything to me and I don't know what I would ever do without you. They say, when you love somebody sometimes you have to let them go. I'm never doing that, not ever again. You're my reason to live and I don't want to lose you ever. You're my favorite person in the whole wide world, I'm too stubborn to give you up."

I bit my lower lip, "uhm, are you propos--"

"No!" He quickly cleared it up for me, "just needed to remind you that I love you."

"You did it then," I smiled and laid my head on his lap, "I always will need reassurance, because without you, I don't know what I'd ever do. You are indeed, my happiness."

He played with my hair silently.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, the smell of him surrounded me and I could not have been in a better place. 

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