VII. Opinions On Kiandrea.

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"Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together." -Marilyn Monroe


Once I returned back home from hanging out with Andrea, I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. I laid there silently in peace until Wishbone jumped onto the couch and started barking furiously.

"Shut up," I mumbled keeping my eyes shut.

Wishbone continued to park, refusing to be quiet.

"Wishbone, shut the fuck up." I groaned as I opened my eyes.

The dog was sitting at the edge of the couch, barking at me for no apparent reason. Wishbone growled at me and then barked again.

"Why are you barking and growling at me?" I glared at the black and white dog, "stop, you're giving me a headache. I don't feel like thinking of ways to shut you up, it hurts my head. Stop."

Wishbone stopped barking. He got on my lap and then curled up in a ball.

What the fuck?

"So you're going to growl and bark at me, then you're going to get on my lap? What the hell Wishbone? Dogs are so fucking confusing. Now, get off my lap. I don't want to smell like a dog." I moved Wishbone, which caused him to growl. I got off the couch and walked into my bedroom. I laid on my bed and went on Twitter.

KianLawley: My girlfriend makes me so happy.

I tweeted the tweet then smiled happily. I began to go through tweets and laughed as I read some tweets.


Kiandreaaaaa: Kian Lawley has a girlfriend, but it's probably not Andrea ...fuck #fuckmylife

ElizzzzzThomas: All these bitches saying his girlfriend is them ..bitch no (it's me) ..jk

I tweeted another tweet:

KianLawley: You'll find out who my baby is soon ;)

Andrea would be posting her video soon I assumed, so I was assuming her video would come out sooner. I sat there and then decided to call her.

"Hey," she spoke.

I instantly smiled as I heard her beautiful voice, "hello gorgeous."

"I saw your tweets. I wanted to retweet them, but I didn't, because it'd give it all away."

"True," I chuckled, "when are you going to put the video online?"

"I actually just finished editing it. I'm actually about to put it online."

"Okay," I nodded, "I'll even comment under the video something adorable."

"Three. Two. One." She said, "there, it's officially up. I'm going to put you on speaker and I'm going to tweet something."

I got off my bed and grabbed my laptop. I went to YouTube and saw that she did upload the video on her channel. She had titled it, 'Opinions On Kiandrea.'

I logged out of the KianAndJc channel and I logged onto my SuperKian13 channel. I commented beneath her video.

Kian Lawley

I love you beautiful, you make me smile and I'm so happy we're back together. I missed you and I don't want to ever lose you again. Don't ever forget that baby girl. I love you! <3

"I tweeted about it," Andrea spoke.

"I commented on the video," I chuckled.

"I saw," she giggled, "you're so adorable."

"Thanks," I chuckled then went to Twitter and read her tweet. I retweeted it.

AndreaRussett: Go check out the new video I just uploaded on YouTube, I think you're going to like it. It even has a special guest on it. :)

"A special guest," I laughed.

"Yes." She responded.


Author's Note: I don't think this story is that good anymore, comment if you think I should continue it. I'll definitely add in some interesting things and I might bring people like Kenny Holland into the plot and that'll definitely put a spin on things. Comment your opinions, please!

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