XXVII. Stripped Down.

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"I can't help, falling in love with you."
— Elvis Presley


Kian Lawley

Andrea held her bag in her hand as she looked at me, "I have to go home baby," she stood on her tiptoes and pecked my lips, "my mom will be here in the next five minutes to take me to my apartment. She wants to stay with me for the next few days, then she's going to go back to Indiana."

"As long as you're okay, I'm fine with whatever you do Andrea." I smiled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She giggled and looked down at her phone, reading a text, "she's here."

I nodded and took her bag out of her hand for her. "I've got it baby," I took her hand in my empty hand and walked her out of my apartment complex and outside, to a rental that was waiting for her.

Inside the rental car, Mama Russett was behind the wheel, smiling at the two of us.

"Hello Mrs. Russett," I smiled to her as I opened the passenger door for Andrea. She got in and I closed the door behind her.

Andrea rolled down the window and looked at me, "I'll see you later baby."

I nodded shyly, "yeah."

She giggled, "I love you."

"I love you too," I told her.

She smiled and blushed, "goodbye Kian."

"Text me when you get home baby, I just want to make sure you're safe. Okay baby girl?"

"Okay," she promised, "bye."

"Goodbye," I told her as she rolled her window back up.

The Silver 2014 Mazda CX-5 rental car drove away. I waited 'til it was out of my sight, then walked away towards the door of the apartment. I walked into the elevator and waited for it to go upwards. Once it reached my floor, I got out of the elevator and went to my room.

I went into my room and set up my camera. I decided to do the typical Stripped Down Challenge. It was a challenge where YouTubers sat down in front of the camera and talked to the camera, no pauses. I sat turned the camera on and sat down on my bed, in the frame.

"I suck at making introductions," I began, "I'm super awkward and weird. So fuck an intro and let's begin," I chuckled.

"Today I'm doing the Stripped Down Challenge. Basically I can't edit this video, I can't even pause for too long. I have to be honest and be myself basically," I continued, "this challenge goes for ten minutes long. This will probably be the most awkward challenge I'll ever do."

I grabbed my phone and prepared the timer for ten minutes, "here goes 3, 2," I paused and hit the timer, "1."

"I don't know what to say in these ten minutes. Most YouTubers talk about themselves and their beliefs, and many more things. I'm going to be basic and do that as well. Hello, I'm Kian Robert Lawley. I am just a YouTuber with the long life dream of becoming an actor. I've starred in the movie called Chosen, and I've got some more projects coming up."

"I'm taken by a beautiful girl named Andrea Rose Russett. She's a YouTuber as well, but she's the number one priority in my life. I love her with all my heart, I really do," I could feel my cheeks heating up. I smiled to myself at the thought of her, my beauty queen.


Author's Note
I know this chapter is extremely short, but it's a filler and I hope you guys like it. Comment and vote! I love you guys. Thank you for all of your support.


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