XXV. All New Beginnings.

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Kian Lawley

My heart dropped. Tears began to pour down my cheeks. My knees shook, making me feel weak. I stepped into the room and leaned up against the wall, and sank to the floor, crying.

There was no bed in the room. It was clean and looked as if nobody took up space in here. There was no Andrea. No sign of her. She was not here. She was dead.

I shook my head furiously, trying to process it. I stood back up quickly and walked to the bathroom, praying she was in there somehow. She was not. I rushed into the hallway, hoping to see her walking down the hallway. She was not. She was nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be found. She was gone.

I rushed to the desk, the lady glanced at me and lowered her circle rimmed glasses, "may I help you?"

"Andrea Rose Russett, has she been here?" I questioned, "I'm Kian Lawley, I need to see her. Please, please tell me I'm not too late. Please tell me she's not gone."

The lady looked at me and sighed, then looked at our computer and typed in Andrea's name.

"Ah, yes, Miss Russett arrived here just about fifty minutes ago, perhaps an hour. She got into a mild car accident." The lady spoke calmly, "she should be in surgery as we speak."

"When will the surgery be over?"

The lady looked at me, "I'm not sure, depends on what surgery she is getting and who her doctors are."

I gritted my teeth to keep myself from crying even more, "this is my fault."

She shook her head, "unless you were the driver, this has nothing to do with you."

"Can you just let me know when her surgery will be over? I'm not leaving until I can talk to her."

"Kian?" A small, petite voice spoke behind me.

I spun around and saw her. She was laying on a hospital bed and two female nurses were pushing her bed into the room. I followed them in.

"You came," her voice was small, fragile even.

I nodded and watched as the nurses made sure everything was in place. They checked her pulse quickly and walked out, closing the door behind them.

My eyes widened as I noticed a bruise on her temple.

"It's okay Kian, I'm okay. I'm okay now that you're here." She smiled softly, holding out her hand.

I took her hand and sat down on the hospital bed, being cautious not to bump into anything.

"Say something."

I cleared my throat, "hi."

She squeezed my hand lightly, "hi."

"Andrea, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I was just pissed and upset. I was hurting, you left me Andrea, I couldn't bare it. I was really hurt. I was just being dumb. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," I leaned down and kissed her bruised temple, "I am truly and majorly sorry."

She blushed, "thank you, it's fine though."

I shook my head.

"Asides from my bruised temple, the doctors told me I had a burn on my shoulder from the seatbelt, but it's small and barely noticeable. I just came out of surgery, but it was a small surgery, they just closed a cut and cleaned it, it was on my hip, once again from the seatbelt."

I frowned and let go of her hand, moving to her shoulder. She wore a hospital gown, so I lowered it off her shoulder, not revealing her chest, only her shoulder. I looked at the small burn.

"Does it hurt?"

She shrugged, "just barely, only a little, I'm fine though. I just mainly have a huge headache."

I leaned over and kissed her shoulder on the burn, my lips lingered over her shoulder and I heard Andrea let out a sigh. I looked up at her, "you know I love you, right?"

She slowly nodded.

"And I know that just recently I told you I hated you, but I didn't mean that. Andrea, I love you. Infact, I'm in love with you. I've never felt this way about anybody and I hate that. Why? Because you are my weakness and I hate having weaknesses. But I love having you. I'd do anything for you Andrea, anything. I just want you to be happy, that's all I want and that's all I will ever want with you. It's happiness Andrea, that's all I want for you. I want you to be happy. I want you to never cry, I want to make you smile each and every single day. I want to be the one who holds you at night. I want to roll over in bed and wake up to see your beautiful face. God, Andrea, I'm in love with you."

She sat up slowly and winced in pain a little, she smiled.

I frowned in confusion at her painful smile.

"I know that you love me Kian. And I love you, I feel the same exact way. I know I caused you mental, emotional pain earlier today and I never meant for that. I never intended for you to feel that way. I do truly love you Kian, you know that right? I truly love you, forever and always."

A smile spread widely across my face, "I know this is a strange time and place, but Andrea Rose Russett, will you be my girlfriend?"

She giggled, "of course I'll be your girlfriend Kian."

"I want to start over by the way, no more painful reminiscing of our history together. This is a whole new relationship." I spoke, "this is the beginning."

"I love you."

I smiled back, my eyes watering, this time for joy, "I love you too."

Author's Note:

This is only the beginning of an exciting era in this story. I'm excited honestly and I have countless ideas, but I feel like my story is becoming unappreciated and I'm feeling as if I should stop with this story, let me know? Your feedback means the world to me and I love when you guys interact with me, comment things, and vote! I love knowing I'm being supported, it means a lot to me. I hope you guys still read this, because lately I feel like I've not gotten much support and reads. Let your friends know about my story, please? Also, feel free to comment or even message me if you have any questions!



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