VI. Unicorn's Aren't Real.

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"'If you believe in me, I'll believe in you,' said the unicorn." –Lewis Carrol, Alice In Wonderland



                We set up her filming equipment. The lighting was just the way she wanted it and the red button was on, telling us we were recording. I stood out of the shot and Andrea sat down a little closer to the left of the shot, so there'd be room for me. On her lap she had her MacBook Air so she could find opinions on Kiandrea easily.

She began talking to the camera, to start her introduction. "hey guys! I'm Andrea. You might be wondering why I am not sitting in the middle of the screen. You also might be wondering why I have a laptop on my lap. Well today, today is going to be an interesting day, for everybody that watches this. I hope that you guys can support me after you watch this video. Anyways, onto the video. I am going to do an opinion video with somebody that means a lot to me. I'm sure most of you guys know him. Let's be honest here, mostly all of you know him. My boyfriend."

I jumped onto her bed, into the shot, "hello!"

                "Kian Lawley, my boyfriend," she giggled.

                "Hello, I'm Kian Lawley," I spoke to the camera, sitting down next to her.

                "And we're going to be giving our opinions on us, like Kiandrea I mean. Well, not giving our opinions. But like, we're going to be giving opinions on opinions. Does that make sense?" Andrea frowned and looked at me, "does that make sense?"

                "Not really." I looked at her, then back at the camera, "basically we're going to look up Kiandrea on Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, and anything else that's about us and we're going to give our opinion on what everybody else says about us."

                "See? This is why I have you, you know how to word things better than I do. I probably confuse everybody." She laughed and then went onto Google and typed in 'Kiandrea.' A lot of pictures of the two of us popped up and I couldn't help but smile.

                "It's us," I pointed to all the pictures excitedly, "oh look, there's an opinion."

                "I'll read it, 'Kiandrea is honestly one of the cutest teen relationships I've ever seen. They were so good together. I hope they get back together. #KiandreaForever.'"

                I smiled and then poked Andrea's shoulder, "and I will remain good to you, I promise that on my fucking life. But thank you, to whomever said that. We're back together, and thank you for saying we're one of the cutest teen relationships you've ever seen."

                "Thank you," Andrea smiled to the camera.

                "I found one that says, 'Kiandrea was absolutely adorable and it sucks that they broke up. I hope that they date again. They've both changed since the break up and it's not even in a good way. Andrea's bitchier and Kian has done a complete turnaround with the sudden obsession on tattoos and he seems really depressed without her.'"

                "I'm a bitch?" Andrea raised an eyebrow and then looked at my phone to read the opinion I had found. "Well, thanks. Haters are gonna hate. That's what they do. You only hate me because you a'int me."

                "My complete turnaround wasn't sudden. I've always appreciated tattoos. They're really amazing and although getting them hurt like shit at first, they're absolutely worth it. They're like little stories on your body. Second of all, I'm not depressed. Sometimes people just go through a hard time in life. Sure, maybe I was a bit upset about the relationship being over, but I had other things that were stressing me out. Not everything is because of a breakup."

                Andrea nodded, "that's right. Next opinion! 'Kiandrea is my otp. My mom and dad. Speaking of which, they need to get back together, it's bad for children to go through a divorce. Their break up is like a divorce and I'm depressed because mom and dad broke up! Mommy! Daddy!' Well then, I'm apparently a mother."

                "I'm a dad," I laughed and then scrolled through twitter on the hashtag Kiandrea. "I keep finding screenshots from our video. The part where I told you unicorns aren't real."

                She looked at me and took my phone, looking at it, she set the phone down on the other side of her and then cleared her throat. "Kian. Robert. Lawley."

                "Oh god," I looked down, then back up at her, "yes Andrea Rose Russett?"'       

                "Are unicorns real?" She asked me, her voice was stern.

                "No," I shook my head quickly and then smirked at her.

                "Kian!" She hit my arm and then whined, "they are!"

                "I'm sorry baby girl, but they're not. They're just make believe." I laughed, then kissed her forehead.

                "I only forgive you because you kissed my forehead." She smiled and then looked at the camera, "for those of you curious to what we're talking about. We did a Boyfriend Tag and Girlfriend Tag, four times. Two of them are on my channel and two are on his."

                "Let's watch depressing videos, I'm in a depressing mood," I took her MacBook and then went to YouTube and typed in 'Kiandrea.'

                "Why are you in a depressing mood?" She raised an eyebrow and laid her head on my shoulder, staring at the screen.

                "I'm not actually, I was kidding." I poked her thigh and then clicked on a video that was supposedly a depressing video of me and Andrea, the song was Hey There Delilah and to be honest, it kind of was upsetting and all serious.

                When the video was over, I closed her laptop and then thought for a moment.

                "That was a really good song," Andrea made no mention of the video footage itself, but she took her laptop from me and then set it down gently on the floor.

                "We were really cute together. We're my own otp."

                "Same," she giggled.

                "Anyways, we should probably wrap this video up." I told her, looking away from her.

                "That's it you guys! Kian and I are back together and I hope you guys respect that and support us." Andrea smiled, "he makes me really happy."

                "You make me really happy," I told her.

                "I'll leave you with Kiandrea video footages that you guys haven't ever seen, because I cut them out of the original videos I've been in with him. These haven't been seen before and yeah, here you go."

                "Wait, we should give everybody something so they can make more videos of us." I told her.

                "Then kiss me," she bit her bottom lip.

                I leaned forward and smashed my lips on hers, kissing her.

                She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. "I love you so fucking much," she mumbled into the kiss.

                I pulled away and then gently kissed her nose, "I love you too."

                "Good," she giggled. She smiled and then looked back at the camera, "and now I'll leave you guys with Kiandrea's unseen videos."

                She stood up and turned off the camera, then looked at me, "all done."

                "I love you," I told her again.

                "I love you too."

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