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Monday morning Sophie wakes up and is thinking about her college acceptance letter that should have cam by now if she got accepted. Maybe it will come today. She finally got up and got ready for school. She wore her hair up in a braided ponytail. Her eye makeup was a golden Smokey eye and winged eye liner. She looked in her closet and found a white quarter sleeve dress and a red hat with a red cross body purse. Zack wakes up and is also worried about if he got accepted because they applied to the same schools so if he didn't get in to the one she applied to they wouldn't be together. They both applied to go to law school in New York. Sophie and Zack go to school together today. They talk about graduation which is Friday and about college that is all they talk about today. Ethan and Lucy applied into the medical field colleges. They are worried they won't be together too. So they all are worried. Nothing interesting happened at school today. When school was over Zack took Sophie home. Then he went home. When Sophie went in her house she grabbed the mall her letter about college was there it was from New York Law School. She called Zack and told him that she got her letter. He looked and he had a letter from New York Law School to. Zack come over and bring your letter we will open them together. 10 minutes later Zack is at her door he comes in and they go to her bedroom to open the letters. Zack goes first it says, Congratulations Zack Ethan Scott you have been accepted into New York Law School next year. Zack that is amazing. It's your turn Sophie. Sophie's letter says, Sophie Avery Blush Congratulations you have been accepted into New York Law School. Sophie Omg we are going to be together. Yay!!!

Ethan goes home and checks the mail. He has a letter from the Med program in New York. It said that he got accepted into their program. Lucy goes home and the mail is on the counter she looks throe it she has a letter from the New York med program. It said she got accepted in their med program. Ethan calls Lucy. Hey babe. I got into the med program in New York. Lucy screams. What' wrong Lucy? It was a good scream, so did I. Seriously we are going to be together. Yes, baby. I'm so excited babe. The rest of the week flys by.


Friday was the last day of high school. Sophie woke up ready for the last day of high school. She got up and took a shower and did her hair and makeup. Her hair was straight one side looked like her hair was shaved because she did a tight braid with the hair on that side. Her eyes were rose gold with cat eye look. She goes in her and gets out black shorts with dots on them and a red top with black pumps. and her spike bracelets. Goes downstairs and eats breakfast. Zack rings the doorbell. What are you doing her Zack, I didn't know you were coming to pick me up. Zack: I wasn't but I couldn't wait till later to see you. Sophia: Zack you are so sweet you ready to go? Zack: Yes, when every you are Sophie: Okay let's go!!

When they get at school they go to class after 1st period Zack goes to talk to Conner. Conner: Hey Zack what's up? Zack: I would like your opinion on something? Conner: Okay what is it about? Zack: Sophie. Conner: Why would you want my opinion on anything to do with Sophie? Zack: You are my brother and one of my best friends. Conner: Okay what is it? Zack: I want to ask Sophie to marry me? Conner: Are you crazy you are 19 years old to young to get married? Zack: Conner we love each other and its not like we are getting married in a week we have to plan the wedding. Conner: Do you really think you are going to be committed to Sophie for the rest of your life? Zack: Yes I do. Conner: Okay if you love her then yeah. Zack: Thank you Conner that means so much to me. Conner: Your welcome little brother.

After school after Zack drops Sophie of at her house he goes back home. Call's Lucy. Lucy: Hello. Zack: Hey can you go do something with Sophie tonight for 2 hours like at 4. Lucy: Why. Zack: I need to talk to her parents? Lucy: About what? Zack: I was going to ask them If I could have there permission to marry there daughter. Lucy: Zack know you are not going to ask Sophie to marry you. Zack: I am being dead serious. Lucy: Well if you love her and she loves you, then I am happy for you guys. Zack: I already have it planned out. We are leaving Monday for Paris, but she doesn't know that yet I was going to tell her that tomorrow before graduation. Lucy: You are going to propose to her in Paris. Zack: Yes what do you think? Lucy: I love it, do you have a ring picked out? Zack: No, I was going to ask her parents first. I was going to go to the jeweler tonight or Sunday. I bought 8 airplane tickets. I was hoping her parents, my mom, brother, Ethan and you would come I think that would make Sophie was happy. I would love too,I will ask Ethan later. Good luck, Zack.

Lucy calls Sophie. Sophie: Hey, Lucy. Lucy: Do you want to go do something right now? Sophie: Okay sure. Lucy: I'll come pick you up in 10 minutes sound okay? Sophie: Sound's great? 10 minutes later he doorbell rings. They leave and go to the mall. Lucy texts Zack and tells her that Sophie was out of the house that he could go to her house.

Zack drives to Sophie's house. He rings the doorbell. Sophie's dad answers the doorbell. Zack you just missed Sophie. She just left with Lucy. I know Lucy told me she wouldn't be home. I actually came her to talk to you and your wife. Sophie's Dad: What do you need to talk to us about? Zack: Well as you know I love your daughter very much, and we have being dating for about a year, and as you know me and Sophie both got accepted into the Law School Program in New York and we are leaving soon. But I wanted to take Sophie to Paris before we go to New York. I want to ask her a very special question, but I would like you and your wife's blessing first. Will you give me permission to marry your daughter. Sophie's Dad: Zack don't you think you are a little to young to get married? Zack: Sir, I realize that we are only 19, and we don't even graduate till tomorrow but I love your daughter and I want to spend the rest of my life loving her and making her happy.  Sophie's Mom: Zack I think you are  a great guy you have my blessing. Sophie's Dad: Zack I still think you guys are too young to get married but you have my blessing just don't break my baby's heart. Zack: Think you all so much.

Zack: I actually bought 8 tickets to Paris for you guys to go and Ethan and Lucy too if you guys want to go I thought Sophie would love it if you guys were there. Sophie's Mom: We would love to when are you guys leaving? Zack: I am telling Sophie tonight and we are leaving Sunday. But if you guys could come up Monday evening that would be great. I am proposing Tuesday on top of the Eiffel Tower. Sophie's Dad: Zack I never knew in a million years that you plan a very romantic proposal, but you have done an amazing job so far. Zack: Thank you. Sophie's Mom: Zack I am so excited for Paris ad the proposal. Zack: Thanks Mrs. Blush.

Zack leave's Sophie's house and goes to the Jeweler's to pick out an engagement ring for Sophie. Before he goes he call's Lucy to see if he wants to go with him to pick a ring out. She say's she is still with Sophie. So he goes by himself. He goes into the jewelry shop and women comes up to him and asks him what she can help him with. He says he is looking for an engagement ring for his girlfriend. The women asks him if she likes big diamonds or small diamonds. He says big diamonds. She shows him a few options. Option 1: Is a Henri Daussi square engagement ring with two bands.  Option 2: Gorgeous Rose gold engagement ring halo cut. Option 3: Elegant and classy. Intricate details. Timeless Brilliance.  I will take Option 1 the Henri Daussi square cut engagement ring. Okay come up to the front and we will take care of it. When Zack leaves the jeweler it is 7:00 he gets in the care and Sophie calls him . Hey Babe. Sophie: Hey sweetheart, I was wondering what you were doing right now? Zack: I was going to go get something to eat. Sophie: Would you like some company I miss you I cant want till graduation tomorrow I want to have dinner with you tonight. Zack: Okay but I have to go home first. Sophie: Okay pick me up at my house in 30 minutes. Zack: Okay love you.

I go home and get the ring and hide it in my dresser. Then  I go to Sophie's house and ring the doorbell. Sophie's Mom answers the door. Are you here for Sophie she will be here in a minute okay. Sophie comes out and they live and go to a Chinese restaurant. Zack tells Sophie he has something to ask her. Sophie: Okay what is it? Zack: Would you like to go to Paris? Sophie: Of course I would why? Zack: What if I told you that I already bought us two plane tickets to Paris. Sophie: Zack are you being serious. Zack: Yes baby if u want to go we leave Sunday morning. Of course baby. Zack: I love you. Sophie: I love you. They leave the restaurant and Zack takes Sophie home. Zack walks Sophie to the door. He tells her he loves her they kiss and she tells him that she loves him and that she will see him tomorrow.

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