Chapter 4: Sophie/Zack Dating?

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Tuesday morning Sophie was getting ready, and she got a text. It was from Zack. It said Hey Beautiful, Can't wait to see you at school today, thought about you all night, still am. Sophie thought that message was so sweet. She couldn't wait to see him too. She sent him a text back, It said. Thought of you last night too, can't wait to see on our date tonight, and at school. When I get at school, Zack pulls up, right after I did. I couldn't wait till he got out of this car so she could see his beautiful face. They said hello, and went into school. They only had 3 classes together. Sophie had met a nice girl today in her algebra class. Her name was Lucy Williams, they got to talking about their lives, they became instant friends. Sophie, Lucy, And Zack all ate lunch together. They all get to know each other pretty well. It was finally 3:00school was over. She could go home, get ready for her date. When she got home Lucy was calling her but she never gave her phone number to her. I guess Zack gave it to her. She answered it. Hey. Hey. You want to go to the mall? No, I can't go to the mall this afternoon. Why not? I am going on a date? With who? Zack. You and him are a couple? Kinda, its our first date. You can't date him? Why not. I heard he was a player. Did Connor tell you that? Yeah. He told me the same thing, but I am giving Zack a chance. Do you like Connor? Yeah said, Lucy. I can talk to him if you want me to. Would you. Sure. G2G, getting another phone call ttyl. Hello. Hey this is Connor. Do you know Lucy Williams she is in the same grade as you? I do, why do you ask. I like her, I told her Zack was a player and to stay away from him. But mostly only told her that because I wanted to date her. I have so good news for you then. I just talked to her, and she likes you too. Do you want me to give you her number? Yes. 659-0985. Bye. Finally I can get back to getting ready, I have to find a outfit to wear tonight. I can't wear what I wore today. But I don't even know where we are going out to eat. I'll call Zack and ask him. 606-525-653, Zack: Hello. Sophie: Hey Zack: What's up gorgeous Sophie: I was wondering where we were eating at tonight Zack: I was thinking Chinese Sophie: Ok, perfect Zack: See you later Sophie: Bye. She finally had an idea on what she wanted to wear. It was hot summer day I August. Should I wear shorts, a skirt, a dress. She needed a girls advice about what to wear. She calls Lucy 659-0985 She asks Lucy what she should wear and she says shorts since your to Chinese don't dress up to much just Kinda a casual look. Thanks so much. Did Connor call you? Yes he did. Thanks for that. I didn't even do anything when I got of the phone with you he was the one who was on the other line he said he liked you and I gave him your number. Are you guys going a date? Yeah Friday night. Cool. G2G get ready. Bye. She looked in her closet for a pair of shorts, and a top. Got her shoes out, and her some jewelry. She wore red shorts, green and blue shirt with stripes in it, with a red necklace, and a Michael Kors Watch, and white wedges. Then she did her makeup because she had took a shower. Then she fixed her hair, It was curled. When Zack came to pick me up my dad answered the door, when I came down the stairs he was talking to Zack about how he better treat his daughter well, and not break her heart. Zack wasn't wearing the same thing he wore to school. He had changed his shirt but that was all, he had a button up shirt on. He had actually brought me flowers they were roses. Zack, they are beautiful. Let me put them in some water, and then we can go. When we leave, and get in his car. He tells me how beautiful I look, and that I didn't have to change my outfit what I had on earlier was fine. I told him I wanted too. Your brother likes Lucy him and her are going on a date Friday. how do you know all this? I talked to Lucy, and Connor today. Oh, you talked to my brother? Yeah, he called me today, but Lucy. Okay, can we not talk about my brother, and Lucy lets just talk about us when we go in the restaurant. Okay. When we get at our table, they take our drink orders, and food orders. He tells me about his life before he moved to L.A. How did you like living in Tennessee? I loved it. Really. How do you like L.A so far? I really like it great city, a lot of things to do. I know. You will live it here. Where did you live at in Tennessee? I lived on a farm. Did you have chickens, pigs, and horses? Yes. So how but you Sophie, have you lived in L.A all your life? Not all y live moved her when was 5. Where did you live before? Kentucky. Where at in Kentucky? Lexington. Why did you move? My mom's work closed down, and she is a photographer, so we had to move down here. Cool. Do you have any brothers or sisters Sophie? Yes, a sister she is in college. Did you have any pets growing up Sophie? A dog its name was Peterpan from when I was a little kid, but It died when I was 10. Zack, I have learned so much about you tonight in one date. I have learned so much about you too, Sophie. I would love if we could go out again this weekend? I can't this weekend promised my mom I would help her. What about Thursday night? That works. Do you want to go to the movies? Sure that sounds fun. He drives me home. He pens the car door for me. Such a gentleman. He walks me to the door. I look into his beautiful blue eyes. He looks into my green/blue eyes. He leans in and kisses me. Then the door opens, my dad was watching the whole time. He wasn't happy. He made Zack leave right away. Bye Zack, see you at school tomorrow. I go inside, and go up to my room. And I change my instagram status, twitter status, Facebook status, really all social media to in a relationship with Zack Scott.

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