Chapter 11: Zack's Dad's Funeral

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Monday Morning it is 6:00 AM. School is today, Sophie gets up and takes a shower and fixes her hair, and makeup like every morning. Except this morning she did a different Smokey Eye. It was a brown color with shimmer to the eye. With black eyeliner, and mascara. Her hair was curly. When she got ready with her makeup and face. She went to her closet and thought about what to wear it was a Kinda cold day. She found a black top with a brown black skirt with a zigzag pattern. With burgundy tights. With black heels. When she went down stairs after she got dressed it was 7:10. She eat some cereal for breakfast, and then got in her car and drove to school. On her way to school she was thinking about today, And singing a song. When she gets at school she gets a text from Zack. It says: I'll be at school just a little late, love you. Zack was just thinking about you can't wait to see you, love you too.

Sophie was so happy that he was coming to school today. She goes into school and goes to her classes. After 1st period she runs into Lucy. Hey, did you break up with Connor he came to my house to ask me if I knew why you broke up with him? What did you tell him? Nothing I made him leave now would you please answer the question? I don't think I should date him. You were just saying how badly you wanted to date him just 2 days ago, what changed your mind? Not what, they my mother and father don't think I should date him because of what he is going throw right now. Oh, that shouldn't stop you. He really likes you. Is Connor here today? Idk Lucy you should call him or text him. Zack  is suppose to be here Idk If he is coming or not he sent me a text saying he was. Bye Sophie I'm going t go call Connor. TTYL

Sophie goes to her locker and she is getting her stuff out of it. Somebody comes up to her. It was Zack, He baby. I'm so happy you came to school. me too. What should I wear tonight? Is what I have on okay? What you have is perfect for tonight. You think so? Yes, Sophie. I got to go Zack I'm going to be late for class. Bye, Sophie love you.. See you later. Later that day when Sophie is leaving school she runs into Lucy. Hey Lucy did you talk to Connor and tell him. Yes, I told him about what my parents. What did he say? He said not to worry about your parents. It's my choice if I think I can handle a relationship right now. He is coming with me to my house to talk to my parents, he is suppose to be coming outside to ride with home. Then I'll take him home before 6. Okay, I'll see you later maybe. Bye. Sophie gets in her car.

When Sophie gets home it is 3:30. It is already almost 4  she has to get ready to go. She calls Zack, and asks him something. Zack: Hey, Babe Sophie: Hey is there a certain time you want me and my family to come tonight? Zack: Anytime after 6. Sophie: Okay,  I just got home and I just wanted to know before I get ready. Zack; I told you, didn't have to change. Sophie: I know, I just wanted to. Sophie: I g2g to get ready and your probably busy too Love you. Zack: Love you too.

When she gets off the home before she gets ready and takes a shower and etc. She looks in her closet for something to wear. She finds a black dress with white stripes. With a gold necklace. Then she went and took a shower, fixed her hair, and makeup. Her eye shadow is coffee and cream neutral eye with brown (or bronze) eye liner. She got her hair highlighted a few days ago it had blonde and caramel highlights. She used a straightener to make her hair wavy but not curly. When she got done with her makeup and hair. She goes in her closet and picks out some shoes. She finds some black pumps to go with her dress. She goes downstairs it was 5:00 Mom, Dad do you want to go get something to eat before we go to the funeral home? Dad: Yeah, sweetie just wanting on your mom to get ready. Ok, mom comes down 5 minutes later. Then we leave and we go to Chinese. We get at the Chinese restaurant 20 minutes later.  We go in and eat. While we eat, we don't talk about anything. When we leave the restaurant it is 6:00. The funeral home is 30 minutes from the restaurant. When we get their it is almost 7. My Mom, Dad, And we have to wait in line. When we finally get up there my parents talk to Zack and Connor, and their mom. Hello Mrs. Scott we are Sophie's parents. Hello. We are very sorry for your husband's passing. Sophie talks to Zack. Hey, Hey. They just exchange those two words while being at the funeral home, they leave right after they say hello and talk to them.

                                          Tuesday Zack And Connor's Dad's Funeral

Tuesday morning Sophie wakes up late. She isn't going to school today because of the funeral. She wakes up at 10:30, and goes and fixes some pancakes, bacon, eggs, and coffee. When she gets done eating it is 11:00. She does the dishes, and then she goes upstairs. Takes a shower and washes her hair, and does her makeup. She wore her hair in a ponytail, pull the sides down for a messy but elegant look. Her eye shadow is a naked Smokey eye, with  a cat eye.  When she gets her hair and makeup done. She looks in her closet and finds a black dress. This dress is a simple black dress with a scalloped neck. She found black opened toed heels. She went to the nail salon yesterday and got here acrylics filed in the color of her nails were red. She put on her red lipstick. When she got dressed it was 12:30. She went downstairs and told her dad she was leaving to go get something to eat and then going to the funeral home. Her Mom and Dad were going to the funeral to but they were driving different cars. Okay, sweetie see you in a little bit. She was going to Mexican to eat, when she got at the Mexican restaurant she got a table. She was eating by herself. They took her order and then she ate and left it was 1:20 when she left. When she got at the funeral home it was 1:50 she got there just in time. Before she went into the room, she went into the restroom, and put some lipstick on. She took that red off and pu pink on she thought it was too happy of a color. She checked her makeup to make sure it was okay, then she went into the room. Went and found her parents and sat with them. Where have you been you left before us? I was in the restroom. Okay. Are you guys going to the cemetery? No, Are you? Yes why wouldn't I. Just wanted to know. When the funeral was over Sophie got In her car that was in the cemetery line. Waited for everybody to get in their cars and go to the cemetery. When they got there they buried him and you could go and eat at the church across the cemetery, but Sophie didn't want to go eat. So she just got in her car, and went home. When she got home it was 5:00. She goes to her room and cry's. Zack never said hello or talked to me while I was there. I thought he wanted me to go. He could have told me he didn't want me to go. She did that for 2 hours. She goes in her bathroom, and fixes her makeup, and goes and gets something to eat. Mom, Dad I'm going to get something to eat see you in a little bit. She goes to the steakhouse and eats. She orders a dessert and a salad with a Diet Coke. When she gets home it is 9:00. She goes to her room and takes her makeup off and changes her clothes. Stays up for 6 more hours watching sad movies about people in love. Then goes to bed at 2:00.

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