Chapter 9: Zack, And Sophie

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Saturday Day Morning it was 9:00 AM. Sophie had just woken up and she was checking her phone. She had 1 missed call, and 1 text message. The text message and phone calls were from Zack. He said
that they were going to make funeral arrangements today, and like to see me later. I sent him a text back saying, I would love to see you later too how about 1 or 2 whenever just let me know we could go eat? She gets up and goes downstairs and eats some cereal. After she gets done eating, she goes to her room and takes a shower, and dry's her hair. She looks in her closet for something to wear today she didn't want to really dress up with a skirt or dress. Just casual. She found a white silk top, with a pink scallop cardigan, with navy and white shorts with a pattern on them. With navy wedges. She wore her hair curly. Then she decided she would go shopping with Lucy to talk. When she looked at her phone Zack had replied he said we could go at 1:00 at Mexican. It was just 11:00 she had time to go to the mall and shop with Lucy if she wanted to. She called Lucy. Do you want to go the mall to talk and shop? Sure, R u already ready Lucy asked. Yeah I am are you? Yes, you want to just meet at the mall. Sure see you in 20 minutes. Bye.

We meet at the mall 20 minutes later. Hey Sophie! Hey Lucy! So, what's up why did you want to go shopping thought you would want to be with Zack today? I am meeting him for lunch in a little bit I just wanted to you know talk to my friend. What's been going on with you and Conner talked to him lately? He called me last night and told me about his dad. He also said that he couldn't handle a girlfriend right now with his dad and everything. I'm so sorry Lucy. It's okay I think he will change his mind. So, how is your relationship doing with their dad passing away? It is actually doing great, I know I shouldn't say that but it's true. He came over last night and we talked, he layed down in my lap, and he told me he loves me, and he didn't know how he could deal with his dad's death if it wasn't for me. When he left last night I cried so hard. I was happy and sad at the same time. I am happy for you Sophie, that you get to have such a great guy for your last year of high school. You can have that to with Conner. I hope so too. What time is it?  12:55, are you serious. Yeah why? I'm going to be late for lunch with Zack. I g2g.

She finally gets to the Chinese restaurant 20 minutes later. She goes in and she looks for Zack but he is not inside. She decides to call him and see where he is at. Where are you? I'm at the Mexican restaurant waiting on you. Where are you? I'm at the Chinese restaurant looking for you thought we were eating here. Oh, I'm sorry Sophie. I'll be therein a 10 minutes. K, I'll get us a table. Okay. 10 minutes later he finally comes in the door and comes and sits down. Hey, Beautiful! Hey yourself. Sorry about the mix up Sophie I've just been everywhere today. When's the funeral Monday night at 6:00 and Tuesday at 2:00. Zack I'm so sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about. I know but it's just I feel so bad for you and your family. Let's not talk about my family. Okay. What's been going on with you lately Sophie? Nothing much just been thinking a lot about you. There is no need I will be fine. Are you coming to school Monday? I don't know yet. Okay. Sophie I hate to do this but my mom asked me to stop by and pick something up for for her before the store closes today they close at 3:30 I got to go please don't be mad. Of course I'm not mad I totally get it your family is what you need to think about right now. Just call or text me later. I love you, Zack. I love you too, Sophie. Sophie orders some food when he leaves and Lucy calls her Hey Lucy whats up? Conner called me you were right he did call me and tell me that he missed me, and could really us somebody to talk to. That's great news Lucy. Zack just bailed on our date. I told him it was okay, but I am kinda upset. I'm sorry Sophie. It's okay. g2g. Sophie got in her car after she eats and she sings in the car like she is talking to Zack. Through the radio.

Song: Infinity 

By: One Direction

Down to earth,
keep on falling when i know it hurts,
going faster than a million miles an hour,
trying to catch my breathe someway somehow.
Down to earth,
it's like I'm frozen but the world still turns,
stuck in motion but the wheels keep spinning around,
moving in reverse with no way out.
Now I'm one step closer to be two steps far from you when everybody wants you, everybody wants you.

How many nights does it take to count the stars?
That's the time it would take to fix my heart
Oh, baby I was there for you,
all i ever wanted was the truth
yeah yeah

How many nights have you wished someone would stay?
Lay awake only hoping they're okay,
I never counted all of mine, if i try I know it will feel like infinity infinity infinity infinity

Eyes can't shine,
unless there's something burning bright behind.
Since you went away, there's nothing left in life,
I feel myself running out of time
Now I'm one step closer to be two steps far from you when everybody wants you, everybody wants you.

How many nights does it take to count the stars?
That's the time it would take to fix my heart
Oh, baby I was there for you,
all i ever wanted was the truth
yeah yeah

How many nights have you wished someone would stay?
Lay awake only hoping they're okay,
I never counted all of mine, if i try I know it will feel like infinity infinity infinity infinity


How many nights does it take to count the stars?
That's the time it would take to fix my heart
Oh, baby I was there for you,
all i ever wanted was the truth
yeah yeah

How many nights have you wished someone would stay?
Lay awake only hoping they're okay,
I never counted all of mine, if i try I know it will feel like infinity infinity infinity infinity

When she got home it was 4:00 an hour after she got home the doorbell rang. Conner was at the door. Hey what are you doing at my house? Lucy broke up with me. I just talked to her and she was happy about what you said to her about getting back together. Then she called me and broke up with me I'm so sorry Conner but you have to go. Why because you should go fight for her if you want her. I do then go get her. At 6:00 Zack comes over and wants to know if I want to go get something to eat. Sure I would love that. They get takeout at Mexican. When they get back to her house he walks her to the door. Tells her he loves her and they kiss for 5 minutes non stop. She goes inside he gets in is car. She goes to her room and gets on her computer and listens to music for a couple of hours till like 1:00 then she goes to bed.

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