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Lucas's POV

I wake up with a jolt. I check the alarm clock and its 6:30 in the morning meaning Riley was waking up in an hour for classes. I had to talk to her. I couldn't let her escape because if she does, its mark an end to everything I held dear. I quickly take a shower and change into some khakis and a blue baseball tee and run out the door. I pass by Tim's to get us some donuts and coffee. She's always loved coffee.

"I will always love you Riley," I say as I take a gulp of the burning hot coffee. It burns the back of my throat but the sensation urges me to go faster. I get to her dorm room by 7:10 meaning I have to wait for about 20 minutes before she wakes up. I sit down by the door and wait. A moment later I hear a door shut.

"Friar?" I hear. I look up and its Maya.

"Hey, Morning," I say with a slight smile.

"Wow you seriously want to patch things up, don't you?"

"More than you know," I sigh.

"Alright come inside. She's still asleep so don't worry. I gave her some sleeping pills last night so she's out cold."


"Oh and Lucas, I hope everything goes well," she says with a smile.

"Thanks Maya."

I walk in and the goddess I love is sound asleep worried about nothing, smiling.

"I can't believe how bad I hurt you," I said as I kiss her forehead.

I put the donuts down on the counter and take a seat. I never noticed how drowsy I was and I dozed off. Falling back into nothingness is okay, I guess. At least I'm close to Riley.

Riley's POV

I wake up to the smell of donuts and coffee.

"Mmm," I groan as I wake up. "Maya did you buy donuts?"

I got no response so I check the alarm clock and it was 8:30. Guess that means no classes for me but then I notice something very important. Lucas is asleep in the chair across the room.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I whisper.

I slowly get up and walk over to the donuts. They smelled amazing and if Lucas brought them, I knew they were a batch of simple glaze donuts with a little bit of sprinkles. I smile at the thought.

"No you're mad at him," I say to myself. "Not mad, infuriated because of what he did."

I walk over to the counter to get my makeup and I trip and fall onto Lucas's lap. Almost immediately I sense the feelings of regret and sadness rise up but I also felt kind of at home. And also almost immediately, his arms wrapped around me and held me tight.

"Riles," He said groggily as he was just waking up.

Nothing is more attractive than a guy's voice right after he wakes up.

"Hi," I say as I try to escape from his grasp but he just held me tighter.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" He asks while smiling.

"HELL NO! This means I fell but thank you for the donuts."

"Anytime but can we talk?"

"What do we need to talk about Lucas?"

"I think the answer is obvious."

"I don't know Lucas, I can't seem to put my mind to it," I say. I want him to remember his mistakes.

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