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Authors Note

HI!! It's been too long! Sorry about that... That's totally my fault. Im sorry I left for a month... School and laziness are the curses of the human world. Anyways Enjoy this long-awaited and long-overdue chapter. B.T.W I have another story called 'Breaking Ava' on the works too so please go and read that story as well. Well Love you guys for reading and THANK YOU for almost getting this book to 2k reads :) <3 

Love ya lots,

- Josh

Lucas's POV

It takes us 3 hours, but we finally arrive at the creepiest abandoned factory I've ever seen. It looked like it had been there sitting and rotting away like a rotten apple.

"This place looks sketchy," Farkle mentioned.

"No really I couldn't tell," I retort.

"Enough with the sass, Lucas. Lets go find Riley."

I pop open the trunk and we grab the supplies we packed. A bat for Maya, a machete for Farkle, and 2 katanas for me and some knives just in case we need to throw anything.

"Let's go," Maya whispered.

We walk into the place but it seemed empty and a little too weird.

"This place seems ominous," Maya mentioned.

"Right? There is something wrong about this place?"

I waited for a response but nothing.


I turn around and Maya's out like a light on the floor, not moving at all.


I run to her to check her pulse. Everything seems stable but then my vision blurs and the darkness takes over my vision.

Riley's POV

Lucas... Where is Lucas? I need him here. I need him now. Why hasn't he saved me? Has he forgotten about me? How long has it been since I've seen daylight? How long has it been since I've eaten a proper meal? What day of the week is it? What's this light? Why am I hearing voices? Lucas come and save me please. Hurry....

Lucas's POV

"Good morning, dumbass." I hear a familiar voice snort.

"Take the blindfold off, idiot," I hear a female voice snap.

The light is blinding but when I can finally see who it is, my heart stopped.

"Missy Bradford," I scoff.

"Hello darling," she says in a British accent.

"What's with the accent?"

"Let's ignore that and let's focus on the more important stuff."

"And what would that be?"

"Friar you were always an idiot and slow, weren't you?" I hear a familiar male voice retort.

"Charlie Gardner."

"Hiya dumb shit," he says with a smile.

"Back to the more important things."


"The thing you stole from us," two voices say in unison.

"Ian? Farkle?"


"Hello again, Lucas." Farkle whispers.

"Come on baby," Charlie says as he grabs Missy's hand and kisses her.

"Wait," she stomps. She comes closer to my face, placing one finger under my chin. "How sad? I could've been all yours Friar but instead you chose a goody two shoes who can't fight to survive."

"Where is she?" I whisper.

"Dying away in your old house," She smiles as she remembers. "You'll never get to her though."

"Let's go Gardner."

"Finally. I've been dying to tear those clothes off of you," he licks his lips greedily and his eyes darken at the thought.

They walk away.

"You'll never save her Friar. She'll be all mine," Ian laughs.

"Excuse me? She's mine!" Farkle retorts.



While those two idiots were fighting about who gets Riley, I ripped the ropes that held me down apart and grabbed Maya's bat.

"Excuse me but..." Ian's out cold.


I swing the bat again and knock out Farkle.

"Idiot. Rope is nothing when it comes to me protecting someone I love," I whisper into Farkle's unconscious body.

I run over to Maya and lightly slap her face.

"Maya, wake up!"

"Huh? Ouch! Why am I tied up?"

"I'll explain on the way."

Arm in arm we run to the car. I hop in, start the engine and we leave Ian anf Farkle behind.

"Where are we going?"

"To save Riley," I say with hope gleaming in my eyes. 

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