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Riley's POV

It's my first date with a boy other than Lucas and I'm a nervous wreck.

"H-Hey where are we going?"

"We are going to dinner then to the park."

"Really simple date huh?"

"Simple is the best way to get to know someone, Riley."

Wow I guess that's true.

"So where are we going to eat?"

"Nathans Steak House," he replies.

"Isn't that a bit expensive?"

"No. Don't worry about the bill. I have everything covered," he said with a smile.

We enter the restaurants and they quickly sit us.

"Any drinks?" the waiter asks us.

"I'll take a Sprite," I say.

"I'll have what the lady's having."

"Okay," the waiter says with a smile and leaves.

"So Riley, tell me about yourself..."

"Well I'm a-"

And with that I'm off. I start babbling about my family and I. This guy is a really good listener. I probably end up talking for 30 minutes before he ends up speaking.

"So tell me about your past boyfriends..."

"I- I've only had one boyfriend."



"Why did you guys break up?"

"Well he cheated on me."

"What a douche."

"He was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing and the girl was flirting with him nonstop. We were taking a break." My answer is barely audible. I noticed that I'm looking down at the floor.

"Here are your drinks," the waiter says as he brings the drinks. I look up and he puts down the cool soda on the table. We both thank the waiter.

"Wait? So he got drunk because you guys were taking a break?"

"Look you can't look me straight in my eyes and tell me you've never been upset with a girl and that caused you to drink."

"That's true but when that happens I'm not dumb enough to go to a bar. I usually go buy a 12 pack of beer, go home, and listen to John Mayer."

"You listen to John Mayer?"

"Heck yeah!"

"Say your favorite song in 3...2...1..."

"Gravity," we both say at the same time.

"NO WAY!" I start to laugh.

"Great minds think alike."

"I guess so," I say with a smile.

"Cheers," he smiles as we clink glasses.

We take a sip of our sodas as the waiter comes back to take out orders. I order a mac and cheese plate and Ian gets a steak. The waiter leaves once again to go put in the order.

"So back to Lucas," Ian says as he stares at me attentively.

"What do you want to know about Lucas?"

"Why did you guys take a break?"

"Well he was mad at me for talking to my friend Jason. He was being really overbearing and I was tired of it."

"I see. So he was clingy?" he asks.

"No he was overprotective but Lucas has always been like that with everyone. Even our best friends, Maya and Farkle."

"Farkle? Who names their kid Farkle?" he asks as he begins to laugh.

"Haha make fun of Farkle again and I won't hesitate to throw the plate of food that's coming on you," I say with a sarcastic smile.

"Whoa, chill out. I'm sorry. I see you're protective of your friends too."

"More than you know."

"That's adorable..."

It makes me blush. The food finally arrives and it smells amazing. We eat in silence, which makes me kind of uncomfortable, but I handle the situation pretty well.

"So do you still want to go to the park?" he asks as we are walking out of the restaurant.

"Honestly I kind of want a hot chocolate and to be home right now..."

"Okay we can do that."

We pass by Starbucks on our way home. We finally arrive at the dorms.

"Thanks for the nice evening Ian. It really helped me."

"No problem Riley. I had an amazing time," he says as he stares into my eyes.

I never noticed how blue they were and how they sparkled with electricity. Electricity that sent chills down my spine and made butterflies in my stomach erupt.


"Yeah Ian..." I pant.

"Can I..."


He gently puts my face in his hands and slowly kisses me.

"That made the perfect night but there's one more thing..."


"Riley, would you care to be my girlfriend?"

Wow we just met and he wants a relationship.

"Yeah, I would love to," I say as I give him a kiss.

"Bye Riles."

"Bye Lucas," I whisper.


"I said bye Ian."

"Oh okay. Goodnight Riles."


This date has my heart racing. I think I like him. Is it really that easy to get over Lucas? This is amazing. I skip like a schoolgirl all the way back to my dorm room. I unlock the door and I find Maya giggling on her bed.

"Hey Riles," she says when she noticed me walk in.

"Hiya Maya," I say with a smile.

"So I'm guessing the date went well?"

"Yeah," I smirk.

"Glad to see Riley-town Riley is back."


I change out of my clothes and change into some sweats and a t-shirt. I hear Maya giggle again.

"Well I see Josh has been good to you."

"Yeah we're going on our first date in a week."

"Wow! Do you know where he is taking you?"

"Nope it's a surprise."

"Well I hope everything goes as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

"Haha yeah..."

"Well goodnight Maya."

"Night Riles."

I close my eyes and fall into beautiful slumber.

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