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Lucas's POV

The next day was torture. All I wanted to do was take out the present and give it to Riley. It was in its little, black box taunting me. It was calling my name, stressing me out, pressuring me to do the deed as soon as possible. 

"Hey Riles," I whispered while staring off into space. 

"Yeah," she answered in a tone that made my heart melt. I turned to face her, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her close. Her scent was amazing and made whatever I had in my stomach rage in a frenzy. 

"You love me right?" 

"Why wouldn't I? You risked your life too many times for me to say no," She retorted. 

I chuckled. "Well, there's no point in arguing with that point?" 

"Yeah. Anyways, why are you asking?" 

"I don't know. I just thought I needed some assurance, I guess." 

She giggles before locking her lips with mine. Her lips felt so soft and made lust arise in me. I pulled her closer, her hips right in between my legs, before deepening the kiss. Flames erupted in me, and the only way to satisfy the flames was Riley. She was my everything. Her hands moved into my hair and her fingers tangled within it. Before I realized it, we were lying on the best, lips locked, her hands in my hair and my hands were going up her shirt. 

"Whoa there, big boy," she said as she broke off the kiss. Riley was panting, and her messy hair made me want to take her at this exact moment. 

"Riley," I groaned. 

"Lucas," she answered in a ridiculing tone. 

I smirk, knowing that this time, I'd get what I wanted. "Riley," I whispered in her ear before nipping her ears. A subtle moan escaped her lips, and it traveled straight to my core. 

"Lucas," she moaned. "It's too early for this." 

"It's never too early to take you, darling," I said. My hands glided down her body, over every inch and curve, making my heart pound like crazy. Electricity was running through my veins, straight to my core, then to my hands and into Riley. 

"Riley," I whispered again. "Let's do this." 

Her eyes fluttered as she felt the pure extasy of my lust for her. 

"This needs to go," I said with a devilish smirk. I started kissing her again before taking off her top. Once that was off, my hands moved up and down her bare skin. Another moan escaped her lips, and it was like a truck hit me at my core. She was doing this to me while doing almost nothing at all.

My lips were on hers again and soon trailed down her neck, onto her stomach, and onto her womanhood. 

"These need to go as well," I said as I tugged her pants, dark thoughts flooding my mind.

"Why are all my clothes disappearing?" she groaned. 

I chuckled before pulling off my shirt and pants. I began kissing her neck again before taking off her pants slowly, making sure she felt every inch of me getting closer to taking her. 

"Lucas," she moaned. 

It was 10 in the morning, and I took her once again. 


"Riles," I whispered into her ear. 

Her eyes fluttered open, and she turned her body towards me. Her legs wrapped around mine and my arms wrapped around her waist. 

This was perfect. 

"I told you it was too early. Now I'm tired again," she complained. 

"Well Angel, I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist," I said before kissing her again. 

"I know you couldn't resist! I can see that for myself," She said. "Hell, I see you still want some more." 

I playfully bit her ear before whispering," I can't have enough of you." 

"Oh shut up," she said as she got up. Her curves swayed as she walked. She was my piece of heaven on earth. 

"What?" she asked before looking down. 

"Nothing," I smirked. "I'm just enjoying the view." 

"Bye," She said as she shook her head. Before turning around, I could see a wisp of a smile. 

15 minutes later, she came out of the steaming bathroom, looking like a goddess who just emerged from a cloud of smoke. Once again I caught myself staring but how couldn't I? 

"What?" she asked again, wrapping the towel around her body a bit tighter. Mentally, I was going insane. She unconsciously did things that made me mentally drool. 

"Like I said before," I said as I got up," I'm just enjoying the view, Riles." 

I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her again. Before anything got good, she pulled away. 

"Not again, Lucas," she said before meeting my eyes. 

"Aw," I complained. 

"Shut up and go shower, you big baby." 

"Yes, Ma'am." I stood up straight and saluted her before walking into the bathroom and hear her giggle through the door. 

"You're such a dork," she said through the door. 

I quickly opened the door and pecked her on the lips. "I'm your dork." 

I shut the door and quickly showered. 

Today I would take her out and spend the day completely with her. It would be the day I ask her to be with me forever, through thick and thin, through sickness and health. It'd be the day I ask her to marry me. 



L. M. A. O. I tried once again to write smut but I chickened out in the end. Anyways, Lucas's planning to propose so get ready for that. I don't know why but this chapter was really easy to write. Maybe it's because the book is almost over. Omg guys I'm almost done. I already have the final chapter in mind. O.O Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Till the next one. 

P.S: Read my other book, Breaking Ava. 

P.S.S: I started a werewolf book called 'Lost Lover' so check that out as well people. <3

Much love, 


Forever // A Rucas Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now