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New Chapter :) I hope you guys enjoy it! Just a little touch of spunk before the actual drama in the next chapter. Share and comment and don't forget to vote!!

-Josh :)

Riley's POV

"Lucas is going to kill me," I say as I park my car in the hospital parking lot. "He's going to strangle me or break up with me or both..."

I check in the mirror how I look and I'm a mess. My mascara had run and my eyes were blood red from all the crying. I take the eye drops that I keep in my purse for emergencies like these. I clean the make up and reapply it. By the time I'm done, I look even better than before. I get out my car and walk into the hospital.

After being in the hospital so long, its smell makes me feel at peace. It made me feel safe and sound. I walk up to reception and before I could even speak, the lady hands me my pass.

"Friar, right?"

"Yeah," I say smiling. "Thanks."

"No problem."

I start my way towards Lucas's room trying to hide the guilt and the sadness. I knock on the door as soon as I get there.

"Riley?" I listen from the inside. I walk in with a smile.

"Hi Lucas," I say hoping he doesn't notice my guilt.

"Come here," he says extending his arms. Without hesitation, I run into his embrace. I run into home. I sigh with happiness.

"I don't care what that asshole did," he says while kissing the top of my head. He lifts my head and looks into my eyes. "All I care about is that you're right here with me."

"Oh Lucas..."

"I always want you by my side Riley," he said as he tenderly kisses my lips. "Because I love you. Always have, always will."

That does it. I begin to cry like nobody's business into his chest. There go my chances of

"Why are you crying baby?" he asks as he tightens his grip around me, pulling me closer to him.

"I don't deserve someone like you," I say through my tears.

"Riley, if anything, I don't deserve you. I was the one who cheated on you. I made you think I got a girl pregnant."

"Lucas I forgave you for that, dummy."

"Yeah but its always there, in my mind."

I stop crying.

"Marina?" I asked worried. If he's been thinking about her I wonder what else he's been thinking.

"No the fact that I cheated. I was supposed to be someone you trusted and I broke that trust."

"Oh Lucas..." I say as I look up into his big, green, sad eyes.

He looks down at me and we stay there, brown to blue, not once moving our gaze from one another. In one swift motion, he caresses my face and kisses me passionately and I don't hold back. I kiss him back as passionately as he kissed me.

"Whoa," he says with his eyes closed, breathless.

"Yeah," I say, smiling like a dork.

"There's that dorky smile I love," he said as he kissed the corner of my mouth.

I let out a sigh. Then we're back to staring into each other's eyes.

"Damn it, Riley. I love you so much," he says biting his lip.

Forever // A Rucas Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now