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Riley's POV

All I can think about is Lucas. Nothing but Lucas and how he almost killed himself to save me. What kind of an idiot is he? How did he not tell us he was stabbed? Especially me! I thought he loved me...

"What an idiot," I scream in the waiting room.

"He saved you though," Maya says in protest.

"Yeah but he's in a room going through who knows what right now to do that!"

"Riley lower your voice."

"NO! I'm tired and hungry and the first thing I have to go through is that idiot being in the hospital AGAIN!"

"If you're hungry, I'll get you some food but please calm down. What do you want?"

"Pizza and a Dr. Pepper."


"Cheesecake and a coffee please."

"Okay be right back with that but calm down."

How can I calm down? I have to go through this pain of waiting again! And every time I'm in here, in this damn room, time seems to slow down. It mocks me and says,"How about I make 5 minutes seem like an hour and 30 seem like a day?" It's hell being in this room.

"AH! All I want to do is punch something."

"Didn't I tell you to calm down?"

Maya walks through the door with the food I wanted and a few extra things.

"Shut up and give me my food."

"Whoa, who are you and what have you done with Riley Matthews?"

"She's in here somewhere," I mock. "She's just too hungry to come out."

"Okay fine."

She hands me the food and every bite seems like a piece of heaven was put into it.

"Riles, I have to go. You think you'll be okay?"

"Yeah I should be. Go do what you need to do."

"Okay bye."

She gets up and exits the room.

30 minutes pass and nothing. It almost seems like they're toying with my emotions to see when I'll finally break. I wait another hour and finally the doctor walks in. I was about to start crying. They took too long.

"Family members for Lucas Friar?"

"None but I'm his girlfriend."

"I should have figured."

There's an awkward silence in the room before I speak up.

"How is he, doctor?"

"He'll be okay. He did lose a lot of blood, but he's recovering fairly well. His vitals are steady and his breathing hasn't fluctuated, so everything is good."

"That's good," I breathe out.

"He should be awake by now, as well."

"I can go in and see him?"

"Yes, ma'am."

I run to Lucas's room as fast as possible hoping for the best. I walk in, panting like a dog and find a broken boy with bandages around his torso.

"Hi," I whisper.

Before answering, he opens his arms and I walk into them freely. "Hi," he breathes out.

"You idiot. You could've died."

"I know but I did it for you..."

"It seems like all I do is get you into trouble."

"Well, it's worth it when it's for someone you love."

We embrace each other, keeping in mind Lucas's injuries and what seems like an eternity is actually 5 minutes. I look up to him and almost immediately I tear up and begin to cry.

"Don't cry," he whispers.

"I could have lost you," I whimper.

"Shhh," is all he says.


"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I was determined to find you."

"But you could have died."

"I know. I'm sorry for worrying you but I needed to find you. I needed you."

"All I do is put you in dangerous situations..."

He stayed silent.

"This is your second time in here because of-"



"It isn't because of you. It's because of other people who make idiotic actions."

"But still-"

"But nothing."

He could get killed because of me. That's the last thing I want. I have to protect him. I need to protect him. 



"I think we need to end things..."


Hello from the other side... of a screen! Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter 16! This story is flowing so well and I might finish it in a few chapter so start voting for it if you want a sequel! Please also check out my other works! Love you guys a lot. P.S we hit 5k! WOW!


Josh :P

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