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Riley's POV

"So Girly, what are we going to go buy?" I ask Maya.

"Anything you want." 

"Wait seriously?"

"Yeah. This shopping spree is my treat for all the crap that's happened in your life in the past few months." 

I start fake crying. "What did I do to deserve a friend like you?" 

Maya chuckles. "I know I'm the best." 

As if it were on cue, we both simultaneously say, " Stop it," flip our hair, and erupt into laughter.

"Wow, I missed this."

"Yeah, me too." 

Ever since I started dating Lucas, it's been a bunch of ups and downs, but Maya has always been there for me. She's the greatest thing I could have asked for. She's kept my head up and has always protected me, and I think it's time I do the same. 

"Thanks, Maya... for everything," I say with a smile. 

"Well, Riles we're here," she says is a sing-songy type of way. 

"Let's go. I seriously need a new wardrobe." 

"I figured." 


We spent about 6 hours at the mall, shopping, and talking about everything. We ate and bought so many clothing items that we both had about eight bags in each arm. We finished shopping, and I had about 15 outfits, two new handbags, and eight pairs of shoes. Let's just say that we shopped till' we dropped... Plus we ran out of money. 

"I am so tired," I say as I plop into the passenger seat of Maya's car. 

"Same, but it was so worth it." 

We begin gushing over the clothes we bought until we were interrupted by Maya's phone ringing. 

"Who's that?" I ask while winking. 

"Stop it. It's just Josh." 

"Just Josh," I mock while I wiggle my eyebrows. "Wait, my Uncle Josh?"

"Yes," she said without hesitation. 

As we all know, Maya had a long term crush on my uncle, Josh. Eventually, they got together and were cute for some time before Josh got tired. Yup, you heard me, right folks. He got tired so Maya being the knucklehead she is, broke up with him. I guess he's regretting that now. 

"So what's he saying?" 


"What do you mean nothing? Wasn't he 'tired of you'?" 

"Mhm, yeah." 

"Maya you're acting weird." 

"No, I'm not," She replies while texting. 

"Yes, you-" 

"No, I am not," She cuts me off as she puts her phone away.

"What was that about?" 

"Something about wanting me back," Maya replies as she starts the car. "Ready to go?" 

"Yeah I'm pooped," I say with a smile. 

When I got home, Lucas was reading while waiting for me to come. 

"Hi baby," He says as he kisses my forehead. 

"Hi Lucas," I reply as my cheeks flush crimson. 

"I see you have a lot of bags. How many clothing items did you buy?" 

"A lot." 

"Well," Lucas said as he leaned down," I hope you've enjoyed your day." 

There they are. Those crystal blue eyes that make me forget about everything and make me want to kiss him... so I do. 

I grab the sides of his face and gently tug his face down just enough so that I can get on my tippy toes and kiss him. As soon as our lips make contact, his arms circle around my waist and haul me up into the air. Without hesitation, I wrap my legs around his waist and deepen the kiss. Nothing felt more right than this. His hands in my hair and around my waist. His lips on mine, kissing me as if it were the last time he would ever be able to. It was entoxicating and I loved every part of it. 

"Lucas," I breathe out. 

"Mhm," he mumbles while kissing my neck. 

"Lucas," I whisper in his ear. 

A low groan erupts from him. "What baby?" 

"I love you," I whisper in his ear before gently biting his ear lobe. 

Another groan escapes from him. "I love you too," He says as he gently puts me down on our bed. 

He starts kissing my neck again, leaving a trail downwards. Tonight, I let him take over. 


Hot and steamy. Lol jk I could never write smutty scenes if my life depended on it. Well I hope you enjoyed. I'll be posting more often I hope. Welp, see ya. 


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