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Chapter seven:



My head hurts, damn it. There's two reason why my head hurts aside from those dream. Is either being human or finally losing my insanity. I take those fucking dumbass medicine to stay who I am.

I curled my hand to a fist tightening it. I can fight this at the end of the day I'll go home to my house and find those medicines.

•Tatianas POV

No, its (y/n). She's real! She's there behind us. She's been in my dreams several times. Dad didn't said she was real! Boy, this is gonna be a hard job... I look at my shoes. Staring at them. I sight. I hope dad won't be angry if I mess shit up. I'm fully aware they are creepypasta since day one I got in this town. I kept on seeing Slenderman stalking me. I always though its creepy but dad said everything is fine. You see dad isn't a human. I rather not tell who he really is. Great, I'm talking to my imaginary friend in my brain.

I guess I'm beyond my insanity.

"Tati, are you ok?" John asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just deep in thoughts." I replied back with a reassuring smile.

"You sure?" He asked. Awwwww... Hes really caring no wonder I love this man.

"Yes." I replied having the same smile on my face.

•Maskys POV

(Y/n) is serious when she said that she'll stay away from us three. Well Toby there kinda, friends I think. Fuck him.

"Masky." I heard slender said through my mind. Can I have a fucking three hours break? Is it that damn hard to say yes slender?! I heard him sight in my mind.

"Fine, you can. I got a question to asked you." Slender said. Fine, make it quick.

"I've been noticing this. Do you have feelings for (y/n)? You know I can't allow that on my house, especially if its (y/n)." Slender said his voice becoming impatiently. Just fucking weird feelings but I do not, I will fucking repeat it I DO NOT like her.

"Weird feelings? Tell me about this." Slender said. I feel weak and stunned if that's the word I could say. But still nothing more. Ok that all now leave now.

"Just do let those feelings grow stronger, Timothy." I shiver run down my spin I always hated it when someone used my frickin whole name.

"Guess who's back." Eyeless Jack said rolling his eye. I look at the door to see...... Ann....

"Why are you back?!" I asked. I stood up from the couch and faced her.

"Slender didn't ban me from the mansion, I can come back whenever I like, Timmy." Ann coed. I stare at her in disgust.

"Don't call me that. True slendy didn't ban you but I said NEVER COME BACK." I growled at her.

"Timmy, I just came her to see (y/n). I was wondering if she's already one of us Timmy." She said.

"I said don't call me that. And your not one of us Ann! And how the hell do you know her!?" I yelled hearing (y/n) name pissed me off. What is this bastard gonna do to (y/n) anyways.

"What? A little bird told me." She said.

"First of all, cut the crap Ann is disgusting. Second, who told you." I asked coldly.

"Fine, if you fucking want to cut the crap, fine. But your second question, I can't answer that." She replied at me growling at times.

"Why?" I growled.

"I have my reasons, Tim. Now get out of my face, I need to talk to slender." She said.

"Fine." I growled. I walked away and sat on the couch. Glaring at her as she walk away.

"I have a bad feeling about her." Eyeless Jack said. I didn't mind him.

"Fuck her. She's nothing to us anymore." I replied. I stood up and try to eavesdrop what Ann and slender is talking about.

I try to make out some words but everything is a whisper yell. Its useless. I remove my ear from the door and decided to go to my room.

I opened the door and saw hoodie not there. Good. I lied down and look at the ceiling. Ever since (y/n) got here big stuff happens. Its been only three days ever since she got her.

About this new pasta, Tatiana. I have a bad feeling about her. I just know it.


Hey guys and gals! Irish here, and Katie. Tatiana or Rin is my OC I couldn't think a of a new female creepypasta aside from judge angel. Well judge angel, in my book is in another group. I splitting each and every creepypasta to another group or made a group for them. Like, the slender brothers. Offender man is in a new group, in my story he has his own group. Same as the rest of there brothers.

Just a note about you, in the story, you have to take those medicine well, to be the same insanity self. If you don't take the medicine well, you will become sane. You get those headache because of you being sane.

And I apologized about the shortness of the story.

Well that's all. I'll talk to you all later.

∅A Killers Love∅ [ Masky x Reader ] *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now