Random chapter cuz why not?

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Decided to do this, Cuz I have authors block and if your wondering, yes I have a idea in the future but I don't know how the story will go for now Cuz Katie did something I don't know how to continue. But I saw this story that kinda made me want to do this

Please read:

Stolen love(EyelessJackXReader)

Made by: Eyeless_Girl

The book is wonderful and I personally love the books story line

Now on to the story


"(Y/n)?" A young voice asked. Sally. I put the butter of the pancakes down and turned around with a smile as I crouched down facing Sally.

"How may I help you, sally?" I asked with a sweet smile which I rarely do. She was wearing her usual pink nightgown. Her Teddy bear looking at me. I'm fully aware that bear is possessed. The bear just looked deep into my soul. My spine shivered at the thought

"Can you play with me?" She asked politely as she smile sheepishly. I looked down at her small body and think what my agendas are today. Slender didn't assigned me on anything today. It wouldn't hurt to play with her.

"Sure. Let me just finish these pancakes. If you like you could help me." I said to her. She smiled excitedly. Well its my turn to make the pastas breakfast so why not have a little helper. The other pastas didn't really like the idea of sally helping them most of the time. But maybe its time to prove that sally is more than what they think.

"YAS!" She cheered cheerfully. I smiled at her cheerful attitude it always remind me of myself when I was younger. I chuckled at the memory. I got myself back in the reality and grab a apron for sally. So her nightgown wouldn't be a mess than it already is.

I got a small bowl and put a little of the butter in her bowl. I also put a wooden spoon so she could mix it. I heard a wood being drag in the wooden floor. I turned to look at sally pulling a wooden chair. She put it beside me and I carry her up.

"You can mix these." I told her as I push the bowl to her. She smilled ever so brightly and nob and started to stir the butter slowly. What a cute little thing she is. I smiled.

I open the fridge and grab eggs and bacons. I carry them carefully not to drop it I closed the fridge using my foot and placed the eggs in a basket to prevent them from falling and just placed the bacon down. Well time to cook with little sally.

I suddenly felt two arms snaking around my waist I froze in place and my face burning up. I felt a face bury to the crook of my neck as I felt it inhaling my scent. My face burning up. I looked down to see black gloves and the tan jacket. Then it hit me. My face burning up like the flames in hell. My face is probably red than the reddest tomato there is.

"T-Ti-imothy! Wh-what do y-you th-think your d-doing!" I said stuttering like a baby learning how to talk properly. I felt him chuckle, as his troat vibrates in my left shoulder.

"What? Can't I just say Good Morning to the girl who made my heart flutter?" He said. Shit. Excuse! Come on! Think! My face still hot. Damn You! Sally! I turned to sally to see Helen covering her eyes.

I swallowed hard as I make my sentence and not stutter. "Timothy! Sally's here!" I scolded. "Poor soul.." I said as I push his hands away and rush to sally and hug her. She yelp in surprised but recover quickly and hug back with a happy smile.

Masky silent. I guess that did the job. I turned to Helen and mouthed a 'thank you' he mouthed something I didn't understand and quickly felt a grip hugging me both and sally. I blushed and just his my face in Sally's hair.

"Smile!" I heard two voice said, one male and one female. I looked up to see Hoodie and Tatiana holding up a camera and a flash. They just popped a vein there... Tataian started giggling and hoodie smirking at his buddy.

"BRIAN! TATIANA!" I growled and shout at them. Brian nearly let go of his camera as he struggle to delete the photo and Tatiana sticking her tongue out playfully.

"You three look like a family and I ain't deleting this!" She stubbornly stated and stick her tongue out and hug the camera.

I stormed out of the kitchen and went upstairs. So she's playing that game huh? Well fucking bitch just got fucking carma. I thought as I opened the door to her room and grab her personal diary and sketchpad. Fucking bitch will fucking regret this fucking ass day. All I fucking ask is a fucking play day with sally.. I stopped as I blush as I recall what happened earlier.

Laughter pulled my thoughts out as I heard familiar voices laughing. I snap back and went downstairs and started to flip on some entry in her diary.

"Dear diary." I said out loud so they could hear me. Not to mention using Tatianas accent. Causing them to look at my direction. Thank goodness its only them.

"Helen-kun actually noticed me!" I said out loud. Causing Helen to blush and Tatiana drowning in the pool of information on what's going on and snap back to reality.

She tackled me and tried to grab the diary and I extend my right hand to prevent them from her reach and my left hand in her face.

"I wish that Helen and I could be married." I said as I chuckled a little at her cute thoughts.

"Give me that now!" She cried as her face red in embarrassment.

Hoodie grab her off me. Masky grab my wrist and grab the diary and spin me around in his arms and kissed me passionately.


Ok, whoa whoa whoa that just came out of nowhere ō.ō . I'm shocked in what I just write there. Reader are you blushing? Cuz you better be xD Lol. Tho really since the fuck when. Never the fuck mind. Let's get back to topic.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and hopefully Hopefully that I'll update the next chapter soon and enjoy this one for the meanwhile. Well this is me signing off and think what the fuck I just wrote and talk to y'all soon.

∅A Killers Love∅ [ Masky x Reader ] *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now