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Chapter nineteen:


One shall rather die than being betrayed


Your POV

Me and the whole pasta began to go mansion to mansion. We got splendys approval, which is good. He offered us to have a tea but I denied it since we still have 2 more mansion to go. Smexy didn't really agree, asking for a favor. I rolled my eyes I'll just have to deal with him later.

I felt a tug on my jacket. I looked down to see Sally. I stopped and everyone stopped.

"What's wrong Sally?" I asked her as I looked at her emerald eyes.

"Can we take a rest? My feet hurts." she said calmly trying to not sound like she's complaining. I looked at the other pastas to see them seated already some massaging there foot and some sight in relief. I sight knowing they asked sally to say it, so I wouldn't get mad at them.

"Yeah, we should get some rest." I said. The pastas smiled. I can see some are sad, some are depressed and some seems like nothings really happening. I know its depressing to them its either that something trigger to them and reminded of them there past or some just think about what's really going on. I pout slightly.

"I'm going to scavenge around the area and see if there's any people around." I told them. BEN looked at me like I'm crazy.

"On your own? You do realize that you could be ambushed." BEN pointed out. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. I hate to say it but his right... I sight and looked at the pastas

"Jeff, Hoodie, Tobi, Helen, Ben, and smile you six are coming with me." I said as I selected best pastas. "The rest of you stay alert and scream when there's something, we won't be to far." I told them. Then nod and continued what they were doing.

"(Y/n) where are we going?" Tobi asked.

"Like what I said where going to look around the area. We can't go far in case if there ambused." I explained. I can feel there feet are hurting and all. This is why I don't want them to come they need to rest. "You guys can rest with them if you want to." I said as I turned around and faced them "no need to force yourself." I said. Jeff , Helen and hoodie nod went back to camp. Since Ben is floating and tobi doesn't feel tired nor hurt and smile is well a demon dog I guess his fine as well.

We looked around the area and hope to find anything we found a deer that we could eat and have smile attack it. Tobi carried the deer for us. Sooner we found a camp.

"Hide." I told them. I stayed in a bush and the others stayed in there individual place. I looked at the camp. I saw a table not near the camp. I removed my mask (if you don't want a mask remove that) i placed it down in the ground. My (small weapon of choice) is in my back pocket. I'm killing this person and maybe get some of his stuff.

"Hello?" I called out. I turned to the pasta and told them to halt. I walked to the table and saw maybe like 5 of slenders pages. "Is anyone there?" I asked. I soon heard shifting and the tent opened.

"Ummm.... Hi. Are you lost or something? Its dangerous here." He told me. He was a man a slender one he has big circles under his eyes. He wears a beanie covering his hair his eyes were brown. He looks odly familiar. "Umm my name is Jay." He introduced. Right... Jay.. Well shit I can't kill him. Fuck.

"Umm my name is (random name).. I'm just looking around for our camp, that's all and I stamble up here." I lied. I looked at him then the table. "What's this? If you don't mind me asking." I asked him rather impolitely.

"Oh uh.. There just a drawing of mine." He answered but clearly a lie.

"Oh.." I said.

"Oh um. You want some coffee?" He asked.
"No thanks. I'm fine." I answered with a smile. "Nice to meet you jay. If you don't mind I'll be going now. Before mom gets worried." I told him.

"Nice to meet you too (r/n)." He said. "Be careful ok? Slender might get you..." He mummble the last part I clearly heard it but pretend I didn't heard it. I wave goodbye as I leave.

•Maskys POV

The next day the man went back to my dungeon. He brought food.. I have the feeling there gonna used me.

"Here I brought you some food. Your lucky I sneaked some up." He said in a fenamine voice? So his a she? I don't understand, yet her voice is familiar. After she tortured me and tried to brain wash me she's giving me food? Who am I kidding at least it'll keep me alive. Did she put something in that food?

"Stop thinking, I didn't put any poison in the food. Its average food. Im gonna unchain your arms if you tried anything. You wouldn't like what will happen." She said in a threatening voice. Did she read my mind? Well I guess its visible to my gestures. She grab a key and unchained my arms.

"Why are you being nice all the sudden?" I asked.

"None of your business..." She said softly. She put the plate down. And a glass of water. she also grab something and put it down. A cheesecake?

She sat in a corner. She lifted her mask a little and drink I'm guessing its a tea because of the tea cup.

"I just feel guilty..." She said as she sip in her cup.

"Guilty?" I thought out loud.

"You'll find out soon..." She saɨɖ  as she calmly sipped on her tea.


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