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Chapter eighteen:

Breaking a Toy


The following content may contain violence and pain. Please turn back now if you can't do this.

(Unknown POV)

"Hello Masky." I said as I looked at the mask boy. My rivals lover, this is a HUGE advantage watching her loved one broken and hopeless. I smirked at that thought. I tied my mask tightly. It was a mask, plain with nothing more. I want to hide my identity. Not yet they shall know.

"Wh-who are you?!" He shouted. I ignore him as I walked to a table full of weapons. I grab a bread knife and test its sharpness.

"Answer me!! Who are you!?" He yelled once more. I rolled my eyes. I placed the bread knife in my wrist.

"Let's just say I'm someone who likes to break toys." I said as I glanced at him in the corner of my eyes. My voice not recognizable due to the mask, just how I like it. I slice up my wrist not feeling pain. Good enough. Crimson drops fell on the floor. I grab a hunting knife next. I inhaled deeply containing my excitement.

"What does Zalgo wants." He growled. I fully turned to him. His eyes glarring at me like daggers. I came closer to him I bend down facing him our faces inches away. I looked at his brow eyes deeply. I grab his chin making him face me properly

"Why would I tell you?" I whisper asked with a smirk. I gran the hunting knife and slice up the leather holding his mask. I threw the mask in a corner. As I slice up his cheek. He refused to show any sign of pain in him as he just stared at me.

"Let me go." He demand. I laugh at his command, why would I let him go? Am I in his side? My laughter echoed through the room.

"Why would you think that? Don't be stupid Timothy." I said as my laughter stopped and I looked a his reaction. He was shock as I said his real name. A smirked made its way in my face.

•3rd Person View

How did he know my name? Only.. Ugh. His working for Zalgo! Of course he would know my name. But the way he said Timothy is like how (y/n) says it. Or its just a coincidence? Oh, focus masky... Masky thought as he glared at the raven haired woman or man.

"Who are you?" He asked as he glared at the masked man, well at least he thinks. The man didn't dared to answer his question.

"You'll know once, were done. For now, let get started." He said. And the fun begins...

The masked man held the hunting knife tightly knowing that he would struggle.

"Wh-what are you gonna do?!" The masked man screamed as the man went closer to him holding the hunting knife.

"You so stupid. Just shut the fuck up and you'll find out." He said as insanity is heard from his voice.

((Should I? Or no? Should I? yyyeeeeee-no nah I'll do it >:)))

•Unknow POV

The chains held him in the wall, his limbs and torso where tied to prevent him from moving. But there's still strength inside him so the chances of messing up is possible I better be quick as I do this until his energy has died down. I though as a crazy smile made its way to my face.

Let's start with the arms

I cut his left arm several times and stab him by the elbow. Blood gush out of his arm he still refused to scream in pain, but mummbles of his scream could be heard. I grab his left arm, I put my held on them tight as I began bending them until I heard a crack. He howled in pain as he felt it he struggle at first thinking he'll escape.

"I thought proxies don't really received much pain. What happened to that?" I asked concerned. As I began stabbing his left arm. As he howled in pain. His scream echoed through the room. "Remember masky. By the time the pastas get here (y/n) shall die." I taunted.

"NO! She wouldn't!" He said as he groan out in pain as I pour acid on his hand. His flesh burning and showing some of his muscle blood shed from his left hand.

"Oh yes she will." I move on to the right one and began stabbing him over and over again. "Speaking of the (y/n)s death it kinda remind me of a song that mommy used to sing for us." I said as I cut deeply in his right arm. He shouted in pain as I inhaled deeply and began singing.

"Ring around a Rosie
A pocket full of poisie"

I moved on to his torso and made a deep cut in his stomach I broke his right arm as well. Careful enough to not fully break my toy that daddy gave me.

He screamed once again as tears shed down his face, blood covered his clothing as I continued.

"Ashes, ashes
They all fall down"

My voice deepen as my sanity slowly fading. As screams could be heard down the halls.

"That's how creepypasta will be fallen." I said. As I stab his left foot. As he scream in pain. "Your worthless, pathetic, and nothing but a piece of trash." I taunted. As I punched his face and uppercut his jaw.

I grab a glove that has pointy spike and punch him in the stomach like a punching bag. His screams filled the room and down the halls.

"Your nothing. No one loves you. Remember that. There's no help coming to help you. No one is there for you. You were left here to rot." I chanted as I continuously punch him. His scream filled the air. The scent of iron filled the room, under my feet was a pool of blood. Not mine but his of course. The crimson color filled my clothing and my hair. He such a bloody mess and that's what I came here for.

A knock was soon heard as I stop cutting him. I turned to the door. "Come in." I said as I placed down the knife.

"My, you've gone so far mistress." The high pitch woman said. I rolled my eyes and looked at here.

"I got more plans tomorrow." I said as I leaned in the wall arms crossed. I will brainwash him, if possible I'll make him my mind slave. If I just have enough time. "How's our other 'guest'?" I asked as I mimicked how dad said the guest part. I felt her snicker.

"Oh his trashing around at first but I drugged him. His such a good boy." She said sweetly. She came in closer as she closed the door behind her and turning on the light. My eyes adjust quickly to the brightness.

"I think I'll pay him a visit soon." I said as stared up to masky. The girl looked at him and inspect his injuries. Masky lifted his head up to see the scarlet haired girl.

"Nurse Ann..."


This is what I get for watching to much action movie. ( —ω— ) well I know mostly of you are hating me for doing this but. It. Has. To. Be. Done. Well hope you guys enjoyed (did you?) The chapter and I'll talk to you guys later.

∅A Killers Love∅ [ Masky x Reader ] *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now