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Chapter twenty two:

Welcome to hell


"What is it splendy?!" Offender growled as he looked down at his brother. I rolled my eyes. Splendy just happily pat offenders back trended face palms and sigh.

"No need to be grumpy!" Splebdy cheered. Offender was looking at him which looks like his annoyed. We just stood there looking at them. Some of us laughing or confused. There was like 45 people in here looking at them. I hope Jeff won't start any fight nor Ben starting a prank...

"Oh boy..." Trendy said. I looked at him. His faceless future kinda shadows a eyebrow being kneeted in frustration. He felt my gaze and looked at me. "Yes (y/n)?" He asked. Well I could ask him to stop them. And . fuck it imma be the one.

"Would two stop?!" I yelled out. The laughter's suddenly stop all eyes were on me. Offender and splendy looked at me. I shook my head in disapproval.

"Offender get your people out of the house and have them get all of their weapons they'll be needing. And everyone get all the weapons could be used." I command with full authority in my voice. Offenderman teleported away and everyone just did there thing.

I felt someone pulling my jacket as if trying to get my attention. I turned around to face sally with her tedy bear walking on its own but sally holding his paws.

"I think Tiber can solve all the weapons needed." She said in her shy childish voice. I looked at her quite puzzle by what she meant. "Tiber can you please get all the knifes?" Sally asked his bear politely.

The bear nob as it put its paws in its mouth. Tibers mouth was widely open that a persons hand can fit in it. Tibers push his paws deeper. Seconds later he began pulling out something. As it was pulling it back there was a huge lump passing through his tummy and to its troat. He pulled it put to see knives. A lot of them.

"HEY!! THERE THEY ARE!" someone cried dramatically as if a mother finally found her long lost child. I turned to see Jeff running to the knives with open arms. I looked at sally.

"I got his every knife yesterday.." She mumbled. I sigh and looked at her.

"Don't be sad about it. At least we got a weapon." I told her. She looked up at me and smiled happily. I smiled back.

"MINIONS! THERES MINIONS!" someone shouted alarming me and the others. We looked at the mansion to see the other creepypasta looking out the forest. Dark purple smoke surround us. They were probably a mile away but hey could be seen in the sky. They were slowly closing us in.

"EVERYONE GET READY. We're gonna visit hell..." I mummble.


???'s POV

My heart beats with guilt and its getting the best of me. Hold yourself for fucks sake! This is all for dad after all.. I stare at my untouched food just keep on stating at it as I let myself drown with my thoughts.

"My dear, you haven't touched your food. Is something troubling you?" Dad asked me. I turned to him and force a smile. Come on think! I need a excuse.

"I'm fine dad. Just lost my apatite." I told him honestly. Don't you dare say why. Dont you fucking dare.

"Well you need to eat. We have visitors." He explained he sound rather excited. Is uncle Satan coming?

"Who's coming? Uncle Satan?" I guessed with a smile.

He let out a demotic chuckle which I got used to over time. He shakes his head left and right. Something tell me that I wouldn't like it one bit.

"My darling, it's the pasta." Oh great. I forced a big smile on my face a pshycos one even tho it hurts. Damn. I don't understand when I'm insane and flash one of these smiles it doesn't hurts now it hurts.

I giggled a little devisly. He chuckled as well he turned to one of the errr zombie let's say that. While he isn't looking I grab another plate that my dear wolf gave me as I poured in some of the finest dish in the table.

When done I looked at my black cat as I turned her into a tiger. Placed the plate in her mouth making sure its perfectly balanced.

Send that to mask. I told her. She nod as she walked off. I turned back to dad as I forced myself to eat. Pretending I eat the missing foods.

"You know dad. I got my appetite back. This creepypasta thing is making my blood rush in excitement." I commented as I giggled. He grained at me proudly.

Soon enough a loud thunderous sound echoed in the mansion.. Oh no...

Your POV

"Auggghhhh." I groan out as I got myself up. A bunch of groaning and a couple more loud drops could be heard.

"YOU FUCKERS! COULD HAVE ATLEAST LANDED US NICELY!! ILL GET YOU FUCKERS BACK!!" Jeff yelled out. I rolled my eyes. I looked ahead of me. You can do this. I told my self repeatedly boosting my confidence. I still can't believe what is infront of us.

Here we are at top of a clear mountain. Showing a perfect view of a fucking maze. You got to be kidding me...

"Were are we?" BEN asked out.

"Were in hell Sherlock." Jeff said sarcastically.

"HEY!" someone yelled. All of us swiftly turned around.

∅A Killers Love∅ [ Masky x Reader ] *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now