Everyone Loves Noelle

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The show started and the first person Noelle saw was Artem. She cheered and I laughed and smiled at him. He winked over at us and waved at Noelle as they left the stage. Everyone started coming out on stage and Noelle and I cheered loud for Bindi and Derek. Val and Tamar came out last and Noelle and I cheered and smiled. Val winked over at us and got in their spots. Whitney and Carlos are dancing first so everyone went upstairs. Val walked over to us and kissed my hand and smiled at the cameras. He winked and ran upstairs. Everyone laughed as Carlos and Whitney's promo ended and they went to commercial break. Noelle looked around at everything. Carlos and Whitney just came out on stage. They danced their salsa and they were amazing! We all cheered and Juliane gave them a critique about moving his hips and Carlos said Val was just telling him the same thing. We all laughed and looked up at Val. He gave a weird look to the camera and we all laughed. He shook his head down at us and Noelle waved at him. Val smiled and waved back at her. Carlos and Whitney got back up to the skybox and and Val was up there and started dancing with Carlos. We all laughed. We actually have a video from last night. They cued up a video of them on the screen dancing the salsa together. We all laughed. Can someone send me that!? I asked. Everyone laughed. I heard Val yell; No, don't send her anything! We all laughed as Carlos and Whitney got their scores; 27/30! Alek and Lindsay just got done dancing and I had to wipe a tear from my eye. Everyone clapped. We all listened to their critiques. They got a 25/30. We all clapped for them as Andy and his partner are getting ready to dance yet. I heard someone call my name and I looked up to see Artem. He motioned for me to come upstairs, so I stood up and walked up the stairs holding Noelle. What's up? I asked. Val wanted to see you. he replied. Course. I said with a laugh. Thanks Artem. I replied as walked with Noelle to Val's dressing room. I reached the door after talking to a few people and knocked. It's open. I heard him call. I walked into see him pulling a shirt over his head. I covered Noelle's eyes and she giggled. Val turned and looked at us. He ran and grabbed Noelle from me. Noelle squealed and laughed. You wanted to see us? I asked with a laugh. Val smiled at us. I missed chu. he replied. I rolled my eyes. Val, it hasn't even been a half hour. I said with a laugh. He laughed and kissed my forehead. I love you. he replied. I love you too. I said with a smile. He grabbed my hand and grabbed Noelle's hand with his other hand and walked out of his dressing room. Val? Noelle asked pulling on his pants leg. We stopped walking and looked at her. Val kneeled down at looked at her. Yeah, sweetie? he asked. I'm thirsty. she replied. He smiled at her. Would you like a water? he asked. She nodded shyly. He picked her up. Let's go get you something to drink. he replied walking with her to the catering area. I followed behind them. I took a picture of them and smiled. I posted it to Twitter; I love these two to pieces @iamvalc They absolutely adore each other ❤️😍 #MyEverything #MyFamily #DWTS We arrived at catering and Val grabbed a water from the cooler and opened it for Noelle. Thank you. she said politely. He smiled at her as she took a sip. You two look really nice tonight, by the way. he said. I took in mine and Noelle's appearance. Noelle was dressed in an all white dress, and I had on a white flowy top and black dress pants. Thanks. I said smiling at him. Val walked with us back towards the stairs. You want to go back downstairs or stay up here? he asked. I think we're gonna go back down, just text me if you need anything, okay? And good luck. I said kissing him. He smiled against my lips. He stroked my cheek and smiled me and Noelle. I'm so in love with you. he said. I laughed and smiled. I playfully pushed his chest. I love you too, Valentin. I said pecking his cheek as Noelle did the same. We'll see you in a bit. I said smiling at him and grabbing Noelle from him and walking back downstairs. I took my seat with Noelle in my lap, just as Nick and his partner started dancing. The song ended and I clapped. Their dance was AMAZING! I wiped a few tears from my eyes. 30/30! I clapped loudly for them. Derek and Val dancing next. I saw Noelle smiled when she saw them. Val walked over to us as it cut to commercial and picked Noelle up in his arms and talked to her. The DWTS crew came over and videotaped them talking. They both were smiling at each other. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at it. Twitter. I loaded up the tweet from the Dancing With The Stars. @iamvalc loves kids 😍 #DWTS @jamabjamaica's niece is a big hit with everyone! There's pictures of the crew with Noelle from tonight. I smiled and retweeted the tweet. Val handed Noelle back to me and kissed my lips as DWTS was coming back from commercial break. Show Derek how it's done. I said winking at him. Derek looked over at us. I heard that! he exclaimed. I blew a kiss at him and he rolled his eyes and smiled at me. He waved at Noelle and she waved shyly back as the show was coming back from commercial. Bindi and Derek started dancing. We all watched their promo. We cheered as their music started playing. They song ended and they did AWESOME! We all smiled and clapped for them. They got their critiques. Derek grabbed his hat off of the ground and ran over to us and placed it on Noelle's head. Noelle giggled and Derek smiled at me and grabbed Bindi's hand as they ran upstairs. Noelle fixed the hat on her head as they got their scores. I quickly shot a picture of Noelle wearing Derek's hat as they got their scores. 28/30! We all booed and laughed. Val is up next! Noelle cheered when she saw Val on the screen. Everyone around us laughed. He's her favorite. I said with a smile. They all smiled at us as I helped her fix the hat on her head. She reached for her water and I handed it to her. She took a sip and I set it back down on the ground next to us. It came back from commercial break and Val and Tamar's promo came on. Noelle smiled at the screen. Their promo ended and we all clapped as they started dancing. I watched attentively. I should know better then anyone that Val wants someone to be at their best at all times, and Tamar had really improved. Noelle smiled all through their whole dance. The song ended and we both stood up and cheered. Val looked our way and smiled at us. I winked as he walked over with Tamar to get their critiques. They got a 28/30. Now, it's time for the dance off. We all watched as everyone started picking who they wanted to dance against and what style Val and Tamar are going to be dancing with Cha Cha and Bindi and Derek are going to dance the Jive. I cheered excitedly for Derek and Bindi. All of them did amazing with the Jive! Next up, Val and Tamar doing the Cha Cha. OMG, Val is so sexy doing the dance 😍 I cheered excitedly for Val. Woo! we all cheered. I fanned myself as the song ended. Everyone around us laughed. Omg, my boyfriend is hottt. I said clapping with a laugh. OMG, YUSS Bruno! I exclaimed. Everyone laughed. The sex appeal. I said fanning myself. Val looked over and winked at me. They headed up to the skybox and we all listened. Tamar didn't get the extra points, but dear lord; did they do amazingggg 😍. I stood up and walked up to the skybox . Sure enough, Val was standing there waiting. He moved his lips when he saw me and I rolled my eyes. Not around the child, Valentin. He laughed and walked over and hugged us. You did amazing, Val. I whispered. He pulled away and kissed my head. You're amazing, thank you. he said breathlessly. Noelle loved it, you should've heard her. I said with a laugh. Val smiled at her Noelle as she reached for him. Val took her from me and smiled at her as he danced with her. Everyone around us awed. I laughed and smiled. Derek came up behind me and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him. You did amazing tonight! I exclaimed. Thanks, bestieeee. he exclaimed. I laughed. Oh, did you want your hat back? I asked looking at the hat on Noelle's head. He shook his head. No, she can keep it; it looks better on her anyway. he said. I smiled. You guys really made her night, thank you. I said hugging him. Of course, anything for you. he said hugging me back. I'm going to get my stuff together, and then we can head out. he said touching my shoulder and walking towards his dressing room. Val walked over to me as he held Noelle in his arms. Way to steal my niece, Valentin. I said with a laugh. I'll always bring her back. he said. I smiled. Well, Derek is getting his stuff rounded up; lets go get your stuff all round up. I said following him to his dressing room.

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