First Day

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Ace awakens with a tired yawn to begin dressing and readying herself for her first day of 10th grade. Ace is a tall blonde,  5'11 to be exact, with grey eyes. She was nice, creative and awkward. At about 7:09 A.M. Ace and her younger brother, Alex head out and wait for the bus.

Once the bus arrives she recognizes only a few faces, but continues on and sits by herself in the back left seat. Soon they arrive at school and Ace walks in greeting the few friends she has like Lanya, Mya, and Britney. Ace hugs and greets them all then realizes that her crush from the previous year is there. Angel, was kind of a player but she was madly in love with him, though he kind of put her off. Suddenly he walks over she gets nervous, with sweaty palms and beat red cheeks then...

"Hey, babe," Angel says to Lanya "Oh hey, Ace I think you know my boyfriend Angel," she says nervously twiddling with her thumbs. "Oh, you two are so cute together," Mya squeals. "Yay," Britney chimes in. " Ugh, babe leave this freak alone," Angel says evil-like, while gesturing to Ace. "Oh, okay. Anything for you babe. Girls me or her?" Lanya says then walks away as Britney and Mya follow with sad pathetic looks aimed at the distraught Ace.

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