Eighth Period

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Ace arrived at her eighth period class. She went inside and sat. "Welcome to art," a kind voice said. "I'm Ms.Walton, but please call me by my first name, Rosa," their teacher said enthusiastically.


    "Am I late?" A boy with dirty blonde hair, and glossy chocolate eyes asks as he walks into the room. "You must be my bad boy," Rosa says looking through her list "Oh, Josh is it?" She questions. "Yes," he answers. "You'll be Ace's partner," she says pointing at the table Ace is sitting at. Josh smiles at her then walks over and sits at their table. Josh puts on his shades and kicks his feet on to the table. "Just wonderful," Ace mumbles to herself.


    At the end of class Ace leaves the room first to get away from her horrible partner but Josh still follows her to her locker. Josh hands Ace a small piece of paper with his number that says "Call me ;)" then he walks off. Ace just shoves the piece of paper in her pocket and leaves the school grounds.

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