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They continue walking until they get to the door. Josh pulls out his keys and unlocks it motioning for Ace to go first.

"Oh, this is your house," Ace realizes before walking ahead of him into the lovely home.

"You could say that," Josh said.

Josh guides Ace up the stairs and into a room. This room was dark and looked like it was never used except for storage. Josh rummaged through the drawers until he found a shirt and some not to big basketball shorts. He handed them to Ace.

"For?" She questioned.

"You have milk all over you. You need a shower." Josh answered before pointing to a bathroom connected to the room with no door.

"Uh, there's no door." Ace points out.

"Don't worry I won't look," Josh says smirking at her.

30 minutes later

After Ace is showered and has a towel wrapped around her she walks out into the room to see Josh.

"You wouldn't happen to have a blow drier would you?" Ace questioned.

Josh looked up as his mouth dropped. "N-no," Josh managed to get out.

"Okay then can you please turn around so I can get dressed?" Ace asked her cheeks flushing a bright red.

Josh turns around. Ace holds the towel and as she walks over to grab the clothes she slips on the slippery recently waxed floor. Just before Ace could hit the ground Josh spun around and caught her. Ace quickly regained her balance and swooped the towel off the ground. She wrapped it tightly around her completely covering herself.

"Don't worry I didn't see anything," Josh chuckles.

"How could you not!!!" Ace shouts in anger.

"Because I don't look at you like that," Josh replies with no sarcasm at all.

"So I'm not pretty enough?" Ace asked.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant that I like you, but I'm not so rude to stare at your boobs," Josh replies slightly offended.

"Oh," Ace says grabbing the clothes and leaving the room to change.

After Ace is finished Josh drives her home. They don't talk the whole way back.

Josh walks her to the door. Ace cups Josh's face gently in her hands. Ace kisses him with passion. As soon as Josh responds Ace backs up while Josh tries to keep her there, she turns around and shuts the door in his face. Ace sighs and leans back against the door.

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