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AUTHORS NOTE: Okay so I haven't done any POVs (points of views) so this is a first. Let me know if you like it!



I can't believe they actually caught him. His name is Zachary Milton. The name my her mother's murder. I took my seat as he testified. He will serve 20 years in prison.

After the trial I get in the car.

"So, who you gonna live with?" He questions. I find it cute how concerned he is.

"The judge decided we are responsible enough to stay where we are, if we don't get in trouble." I replied.

"That's awesome!" He said. I was still very very sad from my mother's death. But Josh just makes it all feel better. His smile is definitely his best feature though.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

I wanted to tell him the truth yes. But I just wanna cry after seeing his face. "No," I lied. My stomach grumbles. "You're a terrible liar," he tells me smirking. "Fine, but let's eat Subway. It is my favorite restaurant you know." I say wiggling my eyebrow. Josh just makes me feel as if I can be myself, no matter what. "I know skitz," he says. I still don't get the nickname, oh well. It's different, like me.

During dinner

"So did ya miss me?" He questioned.

"Why did ya miss me?" I replied.

"Duh, you were gone like," he counts "8 hours," he says fake freaking out.

"Only 8 hours," I laugh.

"I missed you," he said wiping away a fake tear.

After dinner, at Ace's door.

"Are you alone tonight?" He asked.

"No," I replied.

"Oh," he frowns, and turns around starting to walk away.

"And where do you think you're going?" I ask smiling.

"You're not gonna be alone tonight though?" He asked.

"Duh, because you're gonna be with me." I say.

He runs back opens the door kicks off his shoes then, sits on the couch and pats on his lap for me to come sit. I shake my head and right as I'm about to sit he sits me in his lap.
Got in before midnight..... So technically a X-MAS chapter.

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