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Ace wakes up early. Ace then dials Josh's number. It rings two times before he answers. "Hello?" He questioned. "This is Ace, I'm sorry did I wake you?" Ace asked. "No, what's up?" Josh replied. "Uh... Do you wanna meet at school early so we can work on or assignment?" Ace asked. "Uh.... Sure," he said. "Okay, great!" Ace said enthusiastically. "Do I have to pick you up?" Josh questioned. "You can drive? Never mind. Yes, that would be amazing." Ace replied. Ace gave him her address, and got ready.

10 minutes later
Ace hears the door bell ring. She answers grabbing her backpack knowing it was Josh. "You look awesome," Josh comments. Ace was wearing a spaghetti strapped black dress that goes down to her midst thigh . Under that she was wearing black and white striped leggings. And her hair in a high ponytail. "Thanks,"

Josh walks Ace to his car. To her surprise it was a black corvette. "Did you steal this from your parents?" Ace questioned. "No, I bought it. With my money." He says emphasizing the my. "Okay," Ace said as Josh opened the door. She got in, and Josh shut the door before walking over to his side. He opened his door, got in, shut the door. He put the keys in before buckling himself. As Ace buckled herself. "You ready?" Josh smirked evilly. "Ready as I'll ever be," Ace said just before Josh slammed on the gas. They sped off, pushing 250 MPH. "SLOW DOWN!" Ace screamed. Josh turned corner drifting, then slamming the brakes at the stop light. Ace smiled to herself because she enjoyed Josh's company, and it was actually kind of fun speeding.

"We're here!" Josh exclaimed. "This is not school," Ace stated blatantly. "Duh... Silly. We're getting breakfast, then we'll work." Josh says smiling with a trick up his sleeve. "Okay fine," Ace said unbuckling. Josh unbuckles gets out, and walks around to open Ace's door. Josh extends a hand. Ace gratefully takes it sends steps out. They walk into the place and wait to be seated.

"How may I help you?" A kind waitress asks. Her name tag read 'Elinor'. "A booth for two," Josh says. The lady motions for us to follow her. We follow and she sits us at a window seat.

"What would you two like?" Elinor questioned with a smile. "Bacon and eggs. With a side of OJ for me please," Josh says. "And you?" She asked me. "Water," I said. "And get her some waffles," Josh said.

After she left Josh said "Damn, girl. You can't just have water," he chuckled. "Oh..." Ace responded blushing. "It's okay, I'm sorry I just wanted you to go to school and work with a full tummy." He smirked. Ace thought dang. This guy is so kind and caring. "Okay," Ace said smiling.


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