Leaving Early

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Ace's POV:

It's already been a week since we saw each other. I thought while sitting in class. My math teacher, Mr.Walker, got a call from the office. "Okay I'll send her down," he said before hanging up. "Ms.Ababalon your presence is needed I the office, but being your stuff when you go. You'll be leaving early today," he said smiling. "She has to go and whore around town," Ace heard before she turned around to see it was the star quarter back Mason. "Shut up. You sleep around all night. You've probably had more sex than everyone in this classroom combined! YOU MAN WHORE!" I shout at him before walking out. I hear laughter as I leave.

As I grab my stuff I wonder who could be picking me up early. My mom is you know... Dead. And my dad is kind of left me for another family.

I start walking to the office. Maybe somehow Josh figured out a way to take me out of school early. Nah... But who is it? I wonder.

When I arrive I see a tall guy maybe 6'4 then he turned around and I dropped my bag. "Tyler?"
Author's note: Duh... Duh... Duh... So I wrote this chapter next update will be later this afternoon. But I really want to start gaming on my Xbox again. Though I enjoy writing I like to have fun too. So if you have Xbox Live my user name is GAMERCHICK0921 I'll be playing on my Xbox later tonight.

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