Old friend

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Ace wakes up and find clothes laid out on Josh's dresser. I must've slept here last night she thought. Ace got dressed and went into the kitchen where Josh had made waffles, bacon, eggs, and chocolate milk.

"My skitz has risen," Josh says smirking. Ace just giggles.

Later they leave and arrive at school. Ace reports to the girls locker room. After she is in her gym clothes.

"You're man candy is cute," Lanya states walking around a corner.

"You jealous," Ace says laughing. " Now shoo fly, before I tell you're man candy you're a crazy lesbian who watched me change." Ace says laughing to herself.

"Fine, fatty," Lanya states before walking off. Ace felt a stinging pain in her chest. Words never really hurt her before, but recently she's been more fragile.

After school Ace put on a tank top and yoga pants. Ace went for a run. Coincidentally she saw Josh at a park swinging as she ran by. Josh saw her and followed her. "Since when did you run?" He questioned. Ace stopped "I am fat I need to run." Ace says. "No! You're perfect the way you are!" Josh snapped. "Who said you were fat?" He questioned. Ace was silent "WHO?!" He says shaking her. "La-Lanya," she stutters. " Lanya Wilson?" He questioned. Ace nodded. "THAT RICH BITCH!" He says.

Josh swoops her off her feet and carries her bridal style. He runs over to Lanya's house. He puts Ace down. He rings the doorbell.

"Yes," Lanya answers.

"Apologize," Josh growls.

"No, leave before I call the cops," she challenges.

"Go ahead," he tests her.

Lanya calls the cops and with in minutes that were there.

"Sir we need you to leave the property," one cop said.

"No, Lanya called my uh- friend who is a girl fat. Which is harassment." Josh said stubbornly.

"Is this true ma'am?" Officer asked Lanya.

"Uh, duh. I mean look at her, I was telling the truth." Lanya replied like a brat.

"How about I won't report either of you two if Lanya apologized to Ace." The officer said.

"Fine, I'm sorry Ace." She said.



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